Ireland, Stone Circles and Hawthorns

Recently a dear friend of mine took a trip to Ireland.  When she came back she shared some photos on her Facebook page about her trip.  She visited the stone circle at Kenmare where 15 stones circle around a large center stone.

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

The spot is over 3000 years old.  The circle is watched over by a Hawthorn tree that visitors leave their blessings and protection requests on.  These blessing trees have little  items tied to them where people have left thoughts, wishes and blessings over the years for the fae to keep safe.  She placed one of my Cat's Eye pendants on the tree wishing blessings for both our families.

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Inspired by her generosity and thoughtfulness I remembered that I have two Hawthorn trees on Sosanna's Sanctuary.   I've decided to start a tradition of leaving blessings or ribbons in the tree.

I can't wait to get started collecting blessings for my trees.  I am also going to get a post office box so that people can send me their wishes to the tree.

Thanks so much to Sandra for including us on her trip and making such a wonderful gesture to our family.


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