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Cuppa & Cards - Who is Hecate - Insights from the Epithets - Part 3

Episode 15 of Cuppa & Cards - Who is Hecate - Insights from the Epithets - Part 3 This series will explore three epithets of Hecate each week, for the next 6 weeks, drawing connections between their common traits and guiding viewers on how to apply these energies in their own lives with a simple prayer for each. The epithets will be chosen from my devotional deck to the Goddess - The Crossroads Oracle.

Hymn to Hecate, the Protective Force O Hecate Phylakē,(fee-LAH-kay) Guardian of thresholds and gates, Stand watchful at the edges of my life, Protecting me from harm and ill intent, Your eyes ever-vigilant, your strength unshaken, Guard me with your power, keep me safe in your care. Hecate Apotropaios,(ah-po-tro-PIE-os) Averter of all evil, Turn away the dark forces that seek to harm, Banish the shadows that linger in my path, With your mighty presence, block the ill-willed, And shield me from all negativity and malice. O Hecate Soteira,(so-TAY-rah) Divine Savior, In moments of crisis, I call upon your grace, Lift me from the storm and carry me to safety, Guide me through the trials of life with your protection, And lead me to peace, salvation, and light. Hail, Hecate, Protector and Guardian, In your strength, I trust, In your power, I am safe, In your light, I find refuge. You can find my cards on my website - HecateBrimo.org All profits from the site go to fund my Sanctury project - The Blessing Box of Goldsboro. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - The Neuse River Witch