New Project!

Over the last few weeks hubby and I have picked up a new project.  We are pleased to announce that we are now managing the Pagan Black Book.

Our goal is to create a central location to locate and support Pagan artist, authors, vendors and much more.  If you'd like to be added send an email in and include the following information.

1.       A graphic or logo that is square in shape and you own the rights to.
2.       Listing name
3.       A brief description

4.       Contact information usually the following:  Facebook/Web/Email/Twitter

Feel free to also recommend where you think your listing should be listed.

So let's get this party started.  Head over and check it out!! 

Throwing Thursday!

Now the Pagan Pride Days has passed now is the time for me to get back into the studio and start making some more pots.

I plan to work spirit jars, smudge plates/bowls and ginger jars.  Look forward to some new photos when the clay arrives.

Here is a look at some of the items at Pagan Pride Days.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Pagan Infighting - Ranting

This weekend was Pagan Pride weekend in Raleigh NC.  I love going there and meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends.  I spent most of the weekend in joyous celebration.  For the most part.

I love my community. We have a wonderful time at bonfires, summer festivals and bringing in the seasons.  This weekend, and past week however, have been a little eye opening.

Let's start with Facebook.   I recently joined a group called Witches and Warlocks.  Great group, lots of fantastic discussion and a bit of snark from time to time.  Just my cup of tea.  When suddenly a message comes into the group slamming a local group of Pagans from Washington.  The guy making the comments, doesn't attend events any more with this group, then that group, then another group because THEY all have the problem.  Honestly if every group you enter into ends up in you leaving because they think you're an ass.  I'm going to think you might need to pick up a mirror and figure out exactly what you have to bring to the table.  What do you have to offer the world, the community and humanity.  No one is interested in placating to your ego.  Either become a real working Witch or get off the broom.  Being a Witch is hard.  It calls for helping others, getting your hands dirty and working with the people.  Not sitting up on your high horse and passing judgement on those around you.  Running down those around you, to try to life yourself higher will result in failure.

Which leads into my second complaint.  At some point when you're dealing with any community, you have to get over yourself.  People make mistakes.  People can be assholes.  How you react to those assholes is on you.  If you don't like someone, walking around each tent being really obnoxiously loud and saying your name loudly isn't making you look cool.  Taking pictures of each both around me, and talking to each vendor around me and skipping over me while raising your voice so loudly doesn't make ME feel bad.  Honey, I don't need your approval or your permission to be exactly who I am.  I don't need minions to follow me.  I don't need a coven or to be a high priest.  I'll sit right over here taking care of my animals and creating my sacred place to share with the world.

Threats do not bother me in the least.  So by all means, continue to come beside me and make your snarky comments.  Each time you do that you reinforce my hold and my position.  ;)

You see, there are two kinds of people in the world.  People who are honest, sincere and want to see you succeed.  These people join together with each other like magnets.  They see each other across a distance and work together to create a sense of peace and harmony. They are the ebb and flow of the ocean.  One drawing back at the precise time the next needs to roll in with the tide.  These are the energies that I like to surround myself with.

The second kind of person is the taker.  This is the person who wants what you have.  They cannot make success for themselves so they want to destroy or take what you have around you.  This type of person will never have much of anything real in their lives.  They will always be complaining about what they cannot do, making excuses for what they were supposed to do and blaming others for their failures.  This person is an emotional drain on the first type of person.

Take a moment to evaluate what you bring to the Pagan family table.  What do you want to be known for.  Do you give or take?  Are you a positive or a negative.  We could do so much for our community if we just put aside all this petty bickering and work as Pagans in the past worked.  Help the neighbor next door.  Help those who do not have food.  Send positive energy out to help.  Put aside all this petty name calling, following people around with cameras, and running people down in groups.  I don't give a rat's ass who you think your are, acting like this is childish and wrong.  It is time for us to grow the hell up and take care of our own.

Sending out a collective kick in the pants to all to need it!


Throwing Thursday

This was my first attempt a firing a hand built piece I think it turned out great!

This is my goddess design with a deep red coat of glaze of course!

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Throwing Thursday - Ring Dishes & Burners

Here are a few ring dishes and incense burners I've been working on.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Ireland, Stone Circles and Hawthorns

Recently a dear friend of mine took a trip to Ireland.  When she came back she shared some photos on her Facebook page about her trip.  She visited the stone circle at Kenmare where 15 stones circle around a large center stone.

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

The spot is over 3000 years old.  The circle is watched over by a Hawthorn tree that visitors leave their blessings and protection requests on.  These blessing trees have little  items tied to them where people have left thoughts, wishes and blessings over the years for the fae to keep safe.  She placed one of my Cat's Eye pendants on the tree wishing blessings for both our families.

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Photo Credit - Sandra Penn

Inspired by her generosity and thoughtfulness I remembered that I have two Hawthorn trees on Sosanna's Sanctuary.   I've decided to start a tradition of leaving blessings or ribbons in the tree.

I can't wait to get started collecting blessings for my trees.  I am also going to get a post office box so that people can send me their wishes to the tree.

Thanks so much to Sandra for including us on her trip and making such a wonderful gesture to our family.


Judge, Jury and Executioner

EDITED TO INCLUDE A LINK - Radio Show - Hex Education

What is an apology?

Google defines and apology as:
noun: apology; plural noun: apologies
  1. 1.
    a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure.
    • a formal, public statement of regret, such as one issued by a newspaper, government, or other organization.
    • used to express formally one's regret at being unable to attend a meeting or social function.

When someone does something to another person that may be some sort of offense, the offender is expected to make amends for those words or behaviors.  Over the past week or I've watched as the online community to which I belong has rallied behind the cries of an individual who offered an edited conversation as fuel to a fire set to burn a warlock at the stake.

The full text of the discussion completely ignored after disclosure.  I felt as though I was watching a 1930's Frankenstein Film.  Ok, so yeah that's a little dramatic.  The monster in this real life film fiasco was not the completely innocent unknowing oaf who was mistakenly viewed as a criminal based on his appearance.  This monster actually commented the offense in question.

I saw a soulful apology presented and an effort to move forward only met with more ridicule and hatred.

I saw someone actually post -  "Do you think you can apologize and get away with it?"
Another read - "Apologies do not matter, this is unacceptable and he should be put out of business."

Really?  Is this justice?  Who are we to judge?

I get the offensive nature of what was said.  I've seen both the edited and the unedited versions of the screen captures being passed around.  I've also listened to the radio show.  Some people love the humor of Eddie Murphy.  Some prefer Joan Rivers.  Some believe that people should be stoned for mocking God in a comedy sketch.  Offensiveness is subjective.

While I agree the unedited comments were extremely uncalled for, I also understand the beauty of forgiveness.  I'm not suggesting that we approve of the comment, I am saying that we approve of the apology.

Recently it was brought to my attention that the offender felt so deeply troubled by the pain his comment could have caused that he made a sizable donation to RAINN.  I immediately wanted to run to the accusers and say, "Is this enough?"   But then I realized.  It really isn't about the crime in question, it is more about the hunt.  There is nothing that the monster can do that would make the villagers forgive and accept him.   This is after all, come they are in control of.  Not him.  Because you see, his apology his attempt to make amends does nothing to change their hearts.  He cannot change them.  They have to change.

I beg of my fellow feminists, please allow people to apologize.  Allow those who have offended you to say they are sorry.  Holding on to that anger isn't going to remove evil from the world.  It is only going to ingrain that negativity and evil deeper into our core.  Not every man on the planet is out to get you.

I was so very disappointed when I saw someone I respected highly judge someone so harshly.  I was amazed at how we sit back and say, don't judge me.  Yet, we not only cast judgement on others around us, but refuse to allow others to make mistakes.  I, like them, have to stop and remember they are human.  I have to accept that just because they are in a high position in the group, that does not make them infallible.

As a devotee of the Goddess Hecate, I participate in the Deipnon.  There is a cleansing part of this ritual where I walk my house and sweep up around my area to cleanse or make amends, for any offense that may have happened towards the Goddess.  I look in my dust pan and see lint, dirt and the occasional macaroni noodle I dropped while cooking.  I take these and toss them out with a bit of garlic and leeks.   I know that with that, whatever transgressions that may have occurred are now gone.  Cleansing my house is offering an apology.

I like to say I have a relationship, not a religion.  I don't call on the Goddess to fix a flat or help my team win. (Though they could have certainly used it yesterday)  I use the representations of the deity and what she stands for to be sure that I am providing a sound, just world for our future generations.

Take a moment to examine what you are looking to leave this world.  What are you ready to work for?  The world already has enough pain and negativity.  Will you be a healer or judge, jury and executioner.

Namaste & Blessed Be

New Glaze

The new glaze finally arrived and I have to say.  I love it.  We tested two of the colors and here is what they looked like.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

To Each Their Own

I'm really amazed at the number of fights going on on the web.  I see this person ranting because some one in the Pagan community said X.  I see that person ranting because some one in the Pagan community said Y.

Guess what?  People are different.  People think differently.  They believe differently...

You know what?  Never mind.  I'm not the jackass whisperer.  I'm not going to spend another minute writing commenting on blog posts or trying to explain in groups why people should be more open.  I'm not going to waste my time dealing with that garbage.  Instead, I'm going to celebrate life, love and pots.

Here ... have a flower.

Learn to live and let live and to each their own.
