2018 - My Year in Review

Wow!  This year is gone already.  I can't believe how much I have changed from December 31st 2017. I've lost 22 pounds this year and reconnected with learning to eat again. I volunteered for the New Mexico State Park system. Which included picking up trash, cleaning campsites and even a few days at the Visitor's Center helping folks get ready to camp.  Today I look back on a few things that I have learned.  This is going to be a long one.  :)

NOTE: These contain generalizations with the idea that you are intelligent enough that no statement can be ALL or EVERYONE. 

1. People are generally self centered.

Why do I think this?  Look around you. We are in a political world where people are OK with kids being put in camps.  They are OK with the rights of LGBTQI and People of Color being suppressed. Even a President I have the utmost regards for took money from lobbyist groups and made decisions that were not necessarily in the best interest of some/all of these groups. I am self centered. While I do what I can to help those around me by sharing information and even providing financial assistance if necessary, ultimately my focus is my family first. Survival is the most important thing. With that, we must also remember that we create bonds across communities and should work to strengthen those bonds whenever we can. It may go outside your comfort zone.  We have to stand up for equality and fairness at all times. So this year, I plan to take the extra step to not only care for me and mine but also add a branch out there to help others a little more. Speak up when I see injustice and can do so safely. Call out racism. Call out homophobia and trans-phobia. Speak up when I see injustice. At some point, we must make it as uncomfortable as possible for hatred to exist. Those with voices of privilege I call on you to do that.

2. Self Care is mandatory. 

I originally had three different entries that pointed to this same idea. Be it a corporation you work for or simply dealing with your family, you cannot pour from an empty cup. We hear all the time, "Oh take time for yourself" or "Treat yourself"; But how many of us actually do that? After completing my certification as a Holistic Wellness Coach, I discovered very quickly that I was not taking care of myself. I was rushing around, trying to get everything done. Oh sure, my boss was thrilled, my project partners love me. They all say things like, "You follow up so quickly" or "Renee is always on time and present".  I was. For them. I would work when I was not feeling well. I would log in 2 hours early and stay 2 hours late. I would accept every project that someone asked of me in both my professional and personal life. I would take on groups to manage on Facebook or Pages to build all in an effort to help others while completely depleting my own personal energy reserves. The last part of 2018 I finally managed to find some peace within myself and give myself permission to just veg on the couch and do nothing.  At anytime, I can start my day over. I can say "You know what, I'm done with this now and I need a break."  Taking time for yourself is important. I started a new page that has nothing to do with anything other than sharing photos I like. I love that page. It doesn't have the highest following or share edgy political stuff.  I'm probably never going to be featured as some best new page.  But I really love it.  (Peace, Love & Bohemian)

Take time for yourself.  Trust me, there are enough people out there ready to run you down.  Don't be one of them.

3.  Empathy is more than not sharing images on Facebook. 

I see so many people talk about being empathic and how they can't see animals being hurt on Facebook.  Then I watch these same people sharing their dinners.  As I finished my classes on wellness and began studying nutrition I learned very quickly that we as humans do not need meat to live.  And when I say studying, I mean reading articles and abstracts from NIH (National Institute of Health) and attending lectures that were presented by the leaders in health and nutrition such as Joel Furhman M.D., Colin T. Campbell PhD., Dean Ornish M.D., John McDougall M.D.  I learned how much our food industry has been impacted by big business and how the businesses that are feeding you are the same ones who give you medication when you get sick.  They are then treating you in the hospitals and offering you supplements that try to replace what they are taking out of the food.  They tell you to eat process meat which is a class one carcinogen. Meaning it causes cancer.  Just this morning I saw a share of one of my empathic witchy friends, who loves everyone, who says don't share pics of tortured animals, yet posted an image of their meat containing meal.  If you can get energy from a rock or a tree, if you can feel the presence of those who have passed away, if you can call upon the spirits of those haunting a space and help them move on, you cannot also not feel the pain and suffering of those animals being killed for food.  You cannot "not" feel the sadness of the dairy cow whose baby is pulled from her just hours after birth. You cannot "not" feel the pain and suffering.  I'm sure this is going to piss some people off, but that's just how I feel about it. If you stop for a moment and do some research on factory farming practices, you'll know what "free range" and "cage free" mean and how horribly food animals are treated. This is something I am newly discovering and will be looking into learning more about in the future. I challenge you to learn about it as well.  Don't come to defend your position without doing some hard research on factory farming, animal welfare and health and wellness in human beings.

4. Its never too late to start over. 

Finally, it is never too late to start over. I have said this for years, but only gave others permission to do this. I have to give myself permission to say, "I don't know." I have to give myself permission to say, "No, I don't like that" or "No, I don't want to do that." You don't have to have a reason to just say, "Its been a rough day, I'm starting over."  Then do it.  Just start your day over again putting all the negative behind you and moving forward. When people post negative on your page, when people get mad when you tell them to cheer up. Just stop, shake it off and move on.  I'm going to spend time trying to focus on this. I'm not going to carry the negative with me. Create a jar if you have to. Write it down, drop it in the jar and leave it there. 

So that's it. That's my year.  Eli and I have started a new venture called Real Rations. It is a place to help share the information we have found related to health and nutrition.  There are forums and blog posts, recipes, food plans - All free.  We just want to help others do what we did. Together we lost 200 pounds. I can't believe it really.  But here we are. I invite you to head over - check out the page and maybe try adding a few more veggies to your diet.   Thank you so much for your comments and feedback over this last year on this blog.  I will be doing another huge book giveaway around my birthday in February as a thank you to all of you.

Wishing you a glorious 2019!

Herbal Remedies Made Simple - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Herbal Remedies Made Simple by Stacey Dugliss-Wesselman and Susan Gregg.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As usual I'll start out with a review of the physical book.  This book is great for using as a working reference book.  The cover is hard, smooth and very sturdy. It is over average size, but slightly wider than your average book.  When the front cover is opened it is immediately apparent that this is not your normal herbal book.  This book comes in a spiral biding with the pages split in half.  There is, however not in the traditional sense, a contents page and a small index in the back of the book. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

The top and bottom halves of the book are not intended to be read together. It appears that the self care (skin, hair, etc) are on the top half while the herbs associated are on the bottom.  This book includes excellent photos of the process of creating assorted body products such as the Comfrey Joint & Bruise Salve on page 52 and 53.  I personally have used Comfrey many times for this type of treatment and let me just say it works wonders.  Other recipes include a body powder, a clarifying shampoo, Almond & Orange Sugar scrubs just to name a few.  The instructions are clearly written and the ingredients are somewhat common.  Most traditional kitchen, garden or herbal witches will have these ingredients readily available.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

The bottom half of the book is dedicated to herbs. It is separated in the categories such as strength and heart & mind.  Each page comes with a vibrant photo and an explanation of the herb.  Thyme for example is covered on page 50.  The author tells us that Thyme strengthens our will. It is recommended to use Thyme to purify the space and fill it with love and peace.  It is said to fill you with peace, love and increase willpower.  Witch Hazel branches are said to relieve the pain of loss and it is recommended to carry leaves from the branch in your pocket if you have lost someone to ease the pain on page 44 of the book.  The author offers us a page on Willow and how to use it to clear spirits, conduct a healing ritual or use them as a window to manifest dreams.

Overall this is a great book for getting started with Herbal Remedies. I think that it would make a great addition to any witch's personal herbal library.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Herbal Remedies Made Simple

The Divination Handbook - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Divination Handbook - The Modern Seer's Guide to Using Tarot, Crystals, Palmistry, and More.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook

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Release Date: Jan 22, 2019

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 15 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews, I'll be starting with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. I love that I can toss this is a purse or a backpack to read on the go. The introduction and index in this book are pretty much very little to nothing. While I understand it is a high level overview of the various divination methods, the key to any good resource book is being able to find information quickly.  I would love to see a bit larger index in this type of book.  The pages are smooth and aligned properly.  The cover is a hard cover book that is soft to the touch without branching over into that suede feeling. The images and illustrations in the book are very deliberate and appear only when to give a specific visual reference to a particular divination method.  An example would be in the section on crystals and the tarot.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook

I would have liked to see a more balanced representation on each divination method.  For example crystals (the first chapter) has a good twelve pages dedicated to defining crystals and their uses, yet the section on working with a pendulum is only five pages.  I would have liked to see a bit more on the history of the technique and maybe a bit more on the images.  Pendulums vary greatly and I their use is more common than one might think.

While not my method of choice, the section on the Tarot is extensive. The author gives us a brief overview of the tarot, an explanation of the structure of the desk and then breaks down each card in both the major and minor arcana.  The images are small and I would have liked to seem them a bit larger but they are completely adequate for learning the techniques provided in the text.  The author includes several basic spreads to get the learner ready for their journey into the tarot.

Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Photography - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Divination Handbook
Overall this is a great introductory book on various divination methods. If you're unsure of where to start, this book gives a great deal of information on a wide variety of techniques allow the reader to make an informed decision on which path to walk. While not for the learned student, I could see this book being a great introduction or new witch's guide to divination.

Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in the Stars - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  Sex Signs - Your Perfect Match is in  the Stars by Constance Stellas.

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other book reviews, I'm going to start with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. You can easily toss it in a purse or backpack to take along with you for a quick read while traveling.  There is also an full index that is missing in so many other books on similar topics.  My review copy is hard cover and has a good sized font face to ease these eyes for reading.

Below is a photo of my hand with the book for scale.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

As we thumb through this book the author provides a nice introduction on the chemistry around the zodiac.  They also include a compatibility quiz at the beginning of the book.  While keeping this review in a G rating I can say that the question in the quiz are a bit racy.  It is recommended that this book be purchased by adults.

The subsequent chapters then take the reader on a journey through each sign of the zodiac.  Telling us the ins and outs (pun intended) for loving them.  This line really got me:

"Pisces is turned on by a strong lead.  Pisces respond to partners who know want". 

Now I'm assuming this is a typographic error and the author mean - "know what they want".  At least that's how I took it.  (note to my grammar police - there are a few type o's in this book)

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

I was a bit surprised at the number of references to feet in my chapter. While not totally against any type of massages, my feet are strictly off limits. As I read through the chapters I noticed a few references to feet and wonder if the author was trying to work out something themselves.  LOL  But seriously - over all this is a cute book and has some interesting information and would be fun to perhaps use as a "foreplay" style night with the partner.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

While not a must have for your witchy library, it is certainly a cute gift that I could see someone giving as a pre-wedding gift or maybe as part of a night of romance at home.

Over all - I enjoyed the book and taken for what it is, I would recommend it.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Sex Signs 

The Ultimate Guide to Numerology - A Review

Today I'm reviewing  The Ultimate Guide to Numerology by Tania Gabrielle.

Book Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews I'll start with the physical book.  This is an over-sized softcover book.  It makes it a bit cumbersome to carry around with you for a read on the go or just to hold while you're having coffee.  This one in my opinion requires both hands and a flat surface for doing the math.  The cover is smooth and the pages glossy.  The font however, is tiny. I had a bit of a challenge, with my 50 year old eyes to read the type.  It wasn't impossible but I did notice the size difference from the other books I have reviewed.   This book does contain an index and offers very specific instructions on working with numerology through out each of the chapters.
Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Ultimate Guide to Numerology

As I have stressed on previous reviews on numerology, this is not my medium for divination. I work specifically with photo/aura/people readings and fire scrying. I have found that the process for working with divination should be based on tangible evidence. With each approach to numerology, whether it be working with the birth day or with the numbers in someone's name, I struggle to see how this can be anything other than random behaviors.  I like the zodiac, however we have to see that there is a large amount of generalizations that could very well fit any persons personality.  But I digress.

Getting back to this specific book I believe the author provides clear and concise instruction on how to come up with my birth code.  The book then offers direction on working with this birth code for manifesting fulfillment and abundance throughout my life.

Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Ultimate Guide to Numerology

Chapters 1 and 2 review the instructions for location your Day Birth Number, Your Life Purpose Number and your Destiny Number. To me this is where it gets a bit tricky.  Unless your parents were into numerology, no effort to understand the random nature of a name can begin to dictate how one's personality would be developed by their name or how their interactions with the world are impacted by the personal energy that is expelled through-out one's life.

My root number is 8.  The vibration on this number according to the author is leadership, strength, abundance, financial security and power. It says it governs entrepreneurship and the executive but 8's are also shy by nature. Quite and dedicated.  Two sides to the same coin, showing I can be yin or yang. As I continued through this chapter the majority of the numbers seemed to have this balance. Showing each has an ebb and flowing creating a true harmonic dynamic.  Now is this due to the numbers or are the numbers an indicator as to what a person can be, not what they necessarily already have become.  As a side note, I was pleased to see a chapter devoted to double digit numbers.  As someone not necessarily familiar with the dynamics of numerology, this part helped me get back to the root number.

Chapter 6 breaks down the letters in your name.  It provides an analysis on each letter as well as the number to which it associates.  I have a lots of R's in my name.  When looking at the section on the letter R I found references to power, wisdom and the re-purpose of knowledge.  Well that is certainly what I try to do with this blog. 

Photo Credit  - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - The Ultimate Guide to Numerology

The book continues with information on astrology numbers and even the number associate with something as seemingly mundane as your home address.  Each one broken down with detailed explanation on getting the number and fully understanding the meaning behind them.

Overall this is a great addition to your magical or divination library. While not as compact as I would like the information within is easy to digest and share. If you're looking for a gateway into understanding numerology, this book is a great start.

The Woman's Herbal Apothecary - A Review

Today I'm reviewing The Woman's Herbal Apothecary by JJ Pursell.

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I'll start this review as I normally do with a review of the physical book.  This is a large book, the height of the book exceeds anything that would be within the realm of portability. It is also a soft cover book which lends itself to rips, tears and pages that are damaged if toss in a backpack or briefcase for travel. There is an extensive index in the back of the book, which in my opinion is required for this type of reference material. Further the book has a color code on the page ends that further aids in locating exactly what you're looking for.  To me, these two things are imperative to the success one has in using this type of material. The photos in this book are amazing.  Large, bright and colorful though they are sparse.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Woman's Herbal Apothecary

At first glance the chapters have quite interesting titles but ones that certain tell you what is included in each.  For example the chapter titled Dawning is directed to women in their twenties, while Living is directed at from age 20 to perimenopause. Taking a moment to call out chapter 2 here, I would like to say this is one of the more important chapters in the book. Basically it is an alphabetical guide to herbs for women. Each herb is listed with its common name, scientific name, it's use, phase of life and herbal action.  Further, the author chose to add a conditional table to this section. Here you can find conditions such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, brain support and even thinning hair listed with the herbs to support each condition.  (remember to consult a certified health professional before ingesting any herbs outlined in this blog)
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Woman's Herbal Apothecary

The section on Fulfillment: Menopause and Beyond was extremely helpful for me. The author provides the reader with recipes for teas, capsules and vinegars that assist woman in the later years of life. There is a recipe for an herbal vinegar called Apple Cider Osteoporosis Blend.  Easy to make, the author instructs us to add our herbs to Apple Cider Vinegar and keep in a cool dark place for four weeks shaking daily. We then strain and use daily.

This particular mixture includes the herbs - hawthorn berry, black cohosh root, st. john's wort, dried nettle leaf and dried alfalfa leaf.  While not something I have on-hand, I don't think these would be too difficult to obtain. The Hot Flash Tincture is just as easy to make.  You'll find this recipe on page 169 and I bet it will be a regular addition to your daily healing rituals.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - The Woman's Herbal Apothecary

The author acknowledges that not everyone knows how to make these mixtures. Chapter 8 is completely dedicated to making herbal medicine. It explains what each are and goes into detail explaining how they work with the body. Everything from tinctures, oils, syrups and salves are included. I feel it was very thoughtful for the author to include the general dosing guidelines on page 246. Sometimes we forget that more is not always better.

As we all know ingredients matter. There is a reference included for purchasing small amounts of herbs as well as larger amounts from different vendors. I am impressed with the amount of reference included in this book. There are two pages dedicated to Herbal Conferences, Societies as well as classes and schools dedicated to herbal studies.

Over all, this is a pretty impressive book and includes a great deal of information directed towards the woman and her life. I can see this being a go to reference for me as I continue to learn and explore more about herbal remedies.

The House Witch - Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals & Spells

Today I'm reviewing, The House Witch - Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.

Photo Credit - Book Cover

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Release Date - 11/20/2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

I like to start out with a review of the physical book.  This is a small book.  It would easily fit in a handbag or tote to take with you when you're out and about.  The cover is nicely printed and has a rough fabric feel.  Both the front and back are illustrated and offer a nice hand feel.  It offers a brief reference section with a short index and a quick list of basic color references as well as ingredients and supplies.  The pages are nicely bound and the spine looks great on the shelf.  The introduction is short and to the point.  It tells what we're going to find within the pages of the book and is well written and easy to read.

To be such a small book, the chapters are packed full of information.  I really enjoyed with the way the author broke down the book into well defined chapters and sections that provide a great deal of easy to understand information.  Chapters such as A Place to Call Home and Your Spiritual Hearth open the door for the reader to fully understand just how much magic already lives in our sacred spaces. The home being one of the most sacred.  I found the section on incorporating the ancestors to resonate the strongest with me and in my personal practice.  The author provides the following, which I found extremely powerful.

Ancestors, thank you for being here with me and my family.
Guide us daily and help us make the right decisions.
Be our strength and our comfort,
And help protect this home.
Thank you for your lives and your accomplishments.
Ancestors, we thank you.

One of the things I really liked about this book is that it does offer examples from across spiritual paths. In the section related to the history of the hearth cauldron the author gives examples from Welsh, Irish and Norse histories, however I felt that adding a bit here related to some other cultures would have made the book a bit more inclusive.  I would love to see these types of connections made from other cultures such as South Africa or Ghana.  The more we open ourselves up to magic around the world the more we can learn to relate to others outside our personal experiences.

I really enjoyed the section on household spirits.  The author takes the reader through out the house and around the northern hemisphere.  While a short book and I understand not all could be provided, I would have loved to see more here again from the southern regions of the planet. While much has been written about our witchy history from places like Scotland, Ireland and Norway; I would love to see more around other cultures as well.  From the title, I did not take this was a book devoted to the way white cultures interact with magic. And seeing so many cultures left out was a bit of a disappointment.  That being said, however, if you're looking for a book that pulls in deities, mythologies and magic from these northern regions this book is right up your alley.

Overall this is a good book related to hearth magic from a northern perspective. I found it useful in giving me some background on the European background of household magic. I do think that it is a good introductory book, however the reader really should look to other sources to enrich their practice with magic from around the world.

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Key to Your Dreams - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Key to Your Dreams with Dream Journal by Tamara Trusseau.

Photo Credit - Book Cover

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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As always I'm starting with a review of the physical book. I received a hard copy version of this book for review. I prefer hard covers when I'm not looking for a portal book or something I can throw in my bag for a travel treat. The size and weight of this book lends itself for a backpack vs. a purse so keep that in mind when considering which book to purchase. The traditional index is lacking in a book such as this, which is intended to be for reference however I should point out the entire second section of the book is dedicated to a dream dictionary. Part one of this book includes the introduction, a section on understanding dream symbols and interpreting dreams.

The author provides us with dream categories, which I have not seen outlined in previous books I have read on dream interpretation. From psychological dreams to recurring dreams as well as nightmares the author provides a brief introduction to each with page references to learn more about the case studies related to each type of dream. 

For decades I have had the same recurring dream that finds me in a building from which I cannot escape. I go up and down the assorted elevators and end up at the very top.  I find a hole in the wall and begin going down but the path gets smaller and smaller until I am completely enclosed in walls. Then I wake up. I plan to use this book with this dream to see if I can relate to the meaning this author provides.  The section on case studies provides real world examples of the subject's background, the dream and the analysis of said dream.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Key to Your Dreams with Dream Journal

The second major section of this book is the dream dictionary. This is simply an alphabetical listing of objects, events and other items that may appear in dreams. It includes a one liner about what this particular imagery may represent to the unconscious mind. Looking back at my dream, I looked up a few of the images that I had to see what they mean.  I'll list them along with their entry in the dream dictionary below.

1. Building - Relates to goal sand objectives
2. Trap - Danger of insincerity and false promises
3. Wall - Indication of barriers and division
4. Box - Represent an episode or crucial event that the subconscious needs to focus on
5. Path - Depending on the other details seen in the dream, a path is representative of an important decision and its eventual consequences.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Key to Your Dreams with Dream Journal

Based on these few items (I left out elevator because it was not in the dictionary) it appears that my subconscious is trying to resolve issues from my past relating to false promises, division and insincerity.  I think that's pretty accurate of what reality I have had in my past from a very general perspective. I would like to point out that sometimes it is difficult to recall dreams after you wake so it is a great idea to jot those down when you first wake. This author has thought of this as the last hundred or so pages is a dream journal.  Each page is lined front and back for the reader to document those aspects of the dream they may wish to look up later.

Over all this is a good book to get started in recording and understanding your dreams. Its hard cover and size make it a great reference book for a book bag or back pack and the hard cover ensures damage free pages.  While lacking a traditional index this book is a complete dream dictionary where readers can look up imagery from their dreams in a simple easy to read format.  Overall a great addition to your metaphysical library.

Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure  by Vanessa Cuccia

Photo Credit - Book Cover

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NOTE:  This book has works related to self pleasure and sexual energy.  Reader discretion is advised.

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As with my other reviews I'm going to start with the review of the physical book.  This is a sizable book. It has a large hard cover with colorful imagery which lends itself to be a nice additional to a coffee table book or entry way addition.  There are large full color photo quality images in the book that are simply breathtaking.  Crystals, herbs and photos of the female human body are placed strategically through out the book and are very practical references to the subject matter.  Crystal definitions and descriptions as well as tasteful representations of sensual magic are in abundance.

The back of the book houses my favorite section of any real reference book, the index.  It includes an about the author section, an index and a list of resources. My favorite part is on page 200.  The Crystals for specific needs section is laid out in table format and allows the reader to check a column for a specific crystal and see what Chakra, Zodiac, Element, Color energy and physical/emotional benefits of each.  The chart advises that amethyst is associated with the Third Eye/Crown chakra, Aquarius, the elements air, water, the color energy of violet and calms anxious energy as well as quieting the mind to allow messages from a higher realm.  The index also includes a list of Chakra characteristics, resources and acknowledgements.

The author takes the reader on a journey in learning how we are sexual beings. On the heels of tantric magic or sex magic the author allows us to accept that individually we are sexual beings. Though out the book the author reminds us that some may be more sensitive to these energies.  Bluntly put, this book is about self love and self pleasure. The author asks that while we may remain skeptical that we try the exercises in the book to become familiar with our own bodies.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure

After a few sections on the crystal energies and the chakras the author breaks down each chakra for the reader providing an entire section on Healing exercises and rituals to help remove the initial resistance we may have to this path and guide us into harnessing the power within to bring forth the changes we desire.

Chapters six through twelve are broken down into specific chakras with rituals, healing routines and detailed info on each.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Crystal Healing & Sacred Pleasure

Overall a really great additional to a healing and wellness library.  This book is dedicated to the feminine and the imagery and illustrations are fantastic.

Everyday Magic - A Reivew

Today I'm reviewing Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever.

Image Credit - Book Cover

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Good Reads Book Link
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Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Starting this review as all my others, let's talk about the physical book. With the age of e-Books, I never get tired of opening my mailbox and find a physical book to hold on to. While I get the portability of e-Books one just can't escape the missing feeling of holding a physical book in your hands. This particular book has that smooth cover that feels almost velvet. It's a small hard cover book. It fits well in my hands and I can easily flip through without a great deal of effort. It offers a four page index, which in my opinion is critical for any book worth its weight in magic.

This book is separated in to two large sections after the introduction. The first is a Getting Started guide to witchcraft. Topics include a basic tool kit, using charcoal, spell accessories and how to cast a circle - just to name a very few from this section.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever

I am a Keybearer for the Covenant of Hekate and one of the most frequently asked questioned by far is How to dispel Spell  Remnants.  This book offers a short and sweet explanation on how to to continue your magical energy by using burial, dispersal or flushing it.  It is only a paragraph or two but certainly provides the detail needed for new casters to make the most of their spell work.

The novice and advanced witch alike, will benefit from the easy read that this book provides. The section on How to Cast a Circle (page 24) focus on the directional spirits for example, instead of calling on specific deities or beings that may offers a more generalized approach to calling the quarters than I have found in most beginner magic books.

Section one goes on to address moon cycles and spell work as it relates to the energies of the lunar cycles. While like most books, the full moon gets the majority of attention, the author does include a brief passage on the Dark Moon and how best to work with this energy. Being my favorite lunar cycle to work with the dark moon offers a chance to finish up spell work that may be lingering, purification rituals and banishment lend themselves to this unique of spell intentions.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Everyday Magic by Semra Haksever
After working through the first section the author takes us on a journey through spells and potions.  This chapter offers the reader detailed spells and instructions for tinctures and oils for magical uses. I really enjoyed the recipe for Psychic Tea. I have worked with mugwort quite often throughout the years, particularly at Samhain when working with the dead.  On page 66 the author gives us a recipe for what is called "Courage Oil".  For those looking for a boost in job interviews or public speaking, this oil professes to be the one for the job.  The money attract oil on page 130 also provides instruction on creation as well as use. All of the ingredients would be readily available in most standard kitchen witch cupboards that I have seen.

Cover texture aside, I believe this is an extremely valuable resource to have in your witches library whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner; this book will fit the bill.

Hungryroot - Unboxing and Update

Happy Thursday!  This is an update on my work with Hungryroot.  Eli and I have been using the service for about two full months now.  We are continuing losing weight and it is really something. We have coined a new phrase that we use when we're asked, "What's for dinner?"   We say - REAL RATIONS!

Over the years we have both struggled with our weight as many of you are aware.  We have tested out several meal delivery services while trying to get ourselves out of the emotional and physical addiction to our food.  

When we added Hungryroot we also cut all added sugar out of our diet.  The results have been astounding.  And Hungryroot got us there.  Below is our progress over the years at fully understanding veganism and nutritarianism. Now we only eat foods that give us nutrients.  Any "junk" food, packaged foods or fast foods are off the table.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Elijah's Weight Transformation

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson
Renee's Weight Transformation
The cost of the package I order is 69.00 per delivery. I can see for a larger family or someone on a fixed income, that this could be out of your price range.  I have included in this next video how to split up the food and place the orders in a specific way to make them last longer while still enjoying the benefits of fast, vegan delivery.  

Here is a list of my most recent order.  We discovered that we really liked the Lemongrass Tofu so we purchased that along with two Chickpea Medleys and one Roasted Corn Edamame to go with them.  We Then picked up some bags of organic shredded broccoli slaw and/or super-green mix from the supermarket to create out own dishes.  This allowed us to make this box meant for 5 meals for two week last us for 12 meals for two.  We essentially doubled the yield by adding $6 worth of veg from the supermarket.

Screen Capture - Hungryroot

I cannot tell you how much this box service has helped me.  I recommend starting out with their largest box and get a variety of dishes to try.  Then, on the follow week or two switch to the smaller size and then pick and choose what you like.  Use the meal planner they supply to learn about the foods.  I discovered Kholrabi for the first time with Hungryroot. Now I seek it out in the stores.  I found that Alberton's in Las Cruces and Whole Foods in El Paso both carry it.   This is something that you can toss into a salad to eat raw or lightly saute to use as the noodle component to a pasta dish.

If you think you'd like to try Hungryroot, I have a link below that you can use for a discount to the service. If you do try it, be sure to comment here and tell me how its working for you. I would love to see your before and after photos or just an update on how you're feeling after adding a bit more veg to your diet. - Hungryroot Link

Look for our upcoming book and website on learning to eat real!

Astrology for Happiness and Success - A Review

Today I'm reviewing Astrology for Happiness and Success by Mecca Woods.

Image Credit - Book Cover

Author Links - Link
Amazon Book Link
Amazon Author Link
Good Reads Book Link
Good Reads Author Link
My Good Reads Profile
My Facebook Page

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 13 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

As usual I'm going to start with a review of the physical book. This piece came to me from Simon & Schuster and is on the small side for books that I have reviewed.  It is soft cover and the cover is just a thick paper. I think that it could have been made a bit better and a harder cover would help to retain the integrity of the book body. This book has no index but the chapters are marked in blue so you can slightly bend the page edges to navigate to the chapters.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

The other offers us a small introductions before just diving right into the meat of the book.  The sections are divided by a blue boarder that allows you to flip somewhat seamlessly through the book contents. Each chapter has sections related to specific traits, aspects and correspondences to the astrological sign being featured.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

Each chapter starts with a basic overview of the sign that gives the authors interpretations of what each signs strengths are. These sections are written quite well. The section for my sign, Pisces, is called The Mermaid and the Magician. There is even reference to the ability to see and feel the pain of others.  My life story.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Content - Astrology for Happiness & Success

The following sections talk about the approach each sign has to love as well as their color and scent correspondences. My colors were blue and lavender.  Spot on. Scents like jasmine, lilac, sweet pea and vanilla are central to my sign. The book goes on with the signs attributes when dealing with heartbreak and familial relationships. The following passage stood out for me:

The key to successful relationships with your family is in honoring your need for emotional support while also recognizing that, although you're deeply in touch with your feelings, you have to be able to speak up to family members and say exactly how you feel instead of trying to avoid conflict.

This is so me.  I sit back and let others run the show to my own detriment because they are family and my desire to preserve the peace. The section on the approach to wellness is short but dead on.  Here's a clip:

As a water sign, you are prone to losing your steam and getting emotionally burnt out.  Since the element of water is more responsive or reactive than active in astrology, you have to make sure you have ways to keep yourself motivated and focused so you don't grown stagnant. 

My entire life I have been attracted to the phrase "Green and Growing".  To me this last passage reinforces that mindset and I certainly won't be looking to change that anytime soon.

There are several more sections in each chapter that guide the reader through learning how to allow self care with topics such as - Fine yourself a Muse and Mind Your Energy. I was a bit skeptical when I first picked up this book but the author provides real context and direction instead of simple generic traits normally associated with astrology. One of my favorite books in quite a while. I highly recommend picking up a copy.