Meatless Monday - Roasted Balsamic Parmesan Cauliflower

A really good multipurpose ingredient is Balsamic Vinegar.  It can be used as a condiment as well as during cooking.  A simple use of the product could be slice of home grown tomato with a bit of balsamic vinegar for a simply amazing as a summer time snack. 

Cauliflower can be a challenging veggie.  I've had steamed cauliflower and cauliflower mash but desperately wanted something different.  I did a quick Google search for Cauliflower dishes and found many that listed balsamic vinegar as a great ingredient to work with it.  After reading over a few of them this is what I've come up with.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

1 Head Cauliflower
1 cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese
1 Tablespoons Marjoram
2-3 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
2-3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
¼ teaspoon Sea Salt
Black Pepper to taste


Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Start out by cutting the Cauliflower flowerets into 1 – 1 ½ inch pieces

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add the Olive Oil to a large bowl

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add the Marjoram to the bowl

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add ¼ Teaspoon of Salt to the bowl and mix

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add the cauliflower to the bowl and toss

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Place the cauliflower in a large baking dish and back at 350 for 25 – 30 minutes or until cauliflower is tender.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Remove from the oven and added the balsamic vinegar and toss

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Cover the cauliflower with the shredded cheese and place back in the oven until the cheese melts

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Remove from the oven and serve.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

You’ll notice that the majority of my dishes are baked in glass baking dishes.  I do this due to a metal allergy.    

Have you tried my recipes?  Have a suggestion, a remake or maybe something new you’d like to share, feel free to send me an email at

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - I is for Invoke

Invoke as defined on is to call with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for or to call on a deity or muse.

When I look at invoking the Goddess however, many books like “Drawing Down the Moon”, refer to this is a form of voluntary possession.  A person is actually calling out to the deity to enter their body and communicate with them directly or with others using the person as a vehicle to share that message. 

In the following video, Sorita E’Este describes how one might invoke the Goddess Hecate.

As part of my research for this post I had a look at evoke, which is sometimes used interchangeably for invoke and found most define it as more of a request to join or a reminder of a particular style for example and less like a demand for presence.   

So if we were to say, this piece evokes Michangleo, we mean that the style reminds us or brings forth the same essence of the artist. 

As part of my rituals and in some of my work on Samhain, I do invoke the Goddess Hecate to come and share her wisdom with me.  I ask that through her the spirits of those who have past come and give their knowledge or share their stories with me.  I never “demand” the presence or summon spirits to participate in my rites.   To mean, invoking is calling out to a deity and inviting them to enter my body.  It’s not a summoning or demeaning thing. 

After I get my space ready and cleanse the area, I use the "Invocation of the Goddess Hekate" from the Rite of her Sacred Fires.

I am always extremely respectful when I work with magic.  In my opinion it’s a bit arrogant to expect Gods and Goddesses to be sitting around waiting to be called into a circle.  I think that they have more important things to do than worry about a football game or to make sure my computer boots in the morning.  I think what many people miss is that we are on auto play.  Our world, our lives play out and unfold each day before us without any big plan from the higher ups.  I think that our goal should be to just be good to each other.  

We call our deities to help us understand a situation or an outcome.  Ask them to give us the wisdom to react to this ride called life in a caring and understanding way.  We are not here to demand anything; instead we are here to learn from those that have gone before us, call upon them for guidance and wisdom and forego the request for a touchdown.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Denim Day - Speak Out against Sexual Assault - Trigger Warning - Frank Discussion on Rape

I learned about this from a friend Magaly who shared "Secrets of a Sweet Southern Girl's" blog post on it.
Denim Day, which I had never heard of until last week, is related to a story from Italy in the 1990’s.  An 18 year old girl was raped by her driving instructor, she presses charges and he is arrested and prosecuted.  He appealed the sentence and the judge decided that because she was wearing jeans, he could not have gotten her pants off alone; therefore she must have consented and overturned his conviction.  In outrage women in the Italian Parliament began a protest immediately by wearing jeans to work.  The first Denim Day in LA was in April 1999 and continues today.

When I first heard about this I have to say I was a bit disappointed with myself that I’d never heard of it.  Being a very open minded and female positive person, I would think that I wouldn't have missed this. 

As my first entry for Denim Day, I’m going to write about a personal experience of mine.  I’m going to go ahead now and post the trigger warning.  

Below are descriptions of the rape of a 15 year old girl.  
The experiences are real, and they are mine.  

Please take care if you decide to continue.


It’s dark outside.  I've been at my new house for about a week now.  I ran away from home because my mom and aunt took me to the police station to have me arrested.  My aunt slammed my face in the back door of the car before she tossed me in the back seat.  She turned on the car interior light to make sure I wasn't bleeding before escorting me into the station.  At the station they told me that they couldn't make me stay.  They took me home.  I laid in my twin bed listening to them both talk with my step father, the one who had been molesting me from age five, about calling the ‘reform school’ and having me locked up the next day.  Needless to say I ran like a bat out of hell.   What’s that old saying?  Out of the frying pan into the fryer.

I ended up calling everyone in the phone book with my last name.  It’s a small town so it was a short list.  I asked for my bio dads name at each number.  Finally a woman on the phone said, one moment.  I was paralyzed with fear.  Would he let me come there?  I’d been on the streets for a week or so.  I needed a place to go.  He answered and told me he’d meet me by the fairgrounds.
The first week was normal, yet odd.  I went from being the oldest of three girls to being the middle child.  One older brother and sister and a younger sister.  I was allowed to do whatever I wanted.  I didn't go to school.  Instead I stayed at the house and smoked pot and sometimes did other drugs.  I drank too.

My father decided to have a party to celebrate the return of his “daughter”.  Lots of people were there and we drank late into the night.  I was offered a cocktail of drugs from prescription to acid.  As I staggered out of the trailer and back to the lounge chairs that sat under a huge tree, I fell down on one and looked up at the stars.  My “Father” pulled himself on top of me and started pawing at my body in a very non-fatherly way.

I jumped up and staggered a bit and ran for the road.  I ran down the road, I was in shorts, and bare feet.  The rocks cut into my heels.  There were no cars on the road.  We were in a very remote isolated area.  He pulled up beside me in the car and said get in, it’s fine.  Don’t worry.  I got in the car and he drove down the road and pulled into what looked like an old fishing trail.  He looked at me and said, how can you give that to him and not me?  Confused I looked at him and said what?  You do that with him and not me.  I finally got it.  He was referring to the years of abuse by my stepfather.  I jumped out of the car again and he came around the side and tossed me on the hood of the car.

My arms fell limp has he took off my shorts.  My body gave up.  My mind looked to the sky and cried inside.  Is this why I’m here?  Is my only purpose in life to be hurt and taken advantage of?  If there is a God I thought, “Please Let Me DIE”.
My mind and my eyes glazed over.  I felt the stars come down from the sky can wrap themselves around me.  They pulled me up and away from this place.  I looked back to see what he was doing to my body and was comforted in knowing that I was not really there.  He may have taken my body, but he didn't take me.

I blacked out after that and woke the next morning back at his house.  I went from being abused by my stepfather to spending the next year and a half being abused by my father.  I only was able to escape after he was arrested.  I spent the next 10 years hiding from him.
Today, both my attackers are dead.  I don’t have any love for either of them.  I am glad they are gone.  For many years I blamed myself for both attacks.  But today I know that I was not responsible for it.  I was a victim.  Today I am a survivor.

Talk to your sons, teach them not to rape.  Talk to your daughters; arm them with the knowledge that they are not to blame.

No one asks to be raped.  Not in the way the dress or the way they act.  No one gives consent to be rapped by the clothes they wear, they way the dance or by passing out at a party.  Sexual assault and abuse is wrong.  If someone cannot say yes, then the answer is no.  If someone did not say yes, then the answer is no.  If someone says NO then the answer is no.

Show your support for Denim Day and wear Jeans today!

Namaste & Blessed Be
Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Denim Day Contribution

Meatless Monday - Black Bean Chimichanga

A staple in my household is the black bean.  We use black beans for tacos, chili, burritos, nachos and even chimichangas.  A Chimichanga is a deep fried burrito filled with assorted ingredients, sometimes served wet with a ranchero sauce or with sour cream and shredded cheese.  The story behind the name is that the founder of El Charro in Tucson Arizona dropped a pastry into a deep fat fryer by accident and started to say a curse word in Spanish, but quickly changed it to Chimichanga.

Here’s my variation of a Black Bean Chimichanga.   **remember to get organic if you can**

Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Flour Tortillas
1 cup white rice
½ cup frozen corn
¼ of an 8 oz pack of Cream Cheese
½ cup shredded white cheese
2-3 Tablespoons of Cilantro
1 can black beans
Red Pepper Flake
Ranchero Sauce
Sour Cream


Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add about ¼ of a block of cream cheese to a pot with the black beans and stir gently until melted.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add the chopped cilantro and frozen corn to the pot and mix.  At this point I add about ¼ teaspoon of red pepper flake to make it a little hot.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

At this point I start my pot of oil heating on another burner.  You’ll want to be really hot.  You’ll see the oil moving but not smoking.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

After the mixture is mixed completely, grate some of the white cheese for the center of the burrito.  A bit extra can be grated if you plan to use a ranchero sauce and added to the top.

Add the mixture to the center of the burrito and fold the sides in first, then cover with the bottom and roll up.  This video shows a slightly different but good way to stuff and roll a burrito.  I recommend starting with less filling until you get the hang of it.  If it pops open in the hot oil it will be a mess!

Using tongs, carefully place the burrito in the hot oil.  You’ll want to hold it securely but not too tightly until the burrito is golden brown.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Place on a paper towel to drain.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

After both are cooked plate them up and serve.  Cover the top of the burrito with the ranchero sauce, cheese and sour cream or just serve dry.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

This is a great dish to use left over rice with.  I like to make rice and eggs for breakfast and keep the left over rice to add to my burrito for lunch.

Have you made one of my recipes?  I’d love to hear your feedback.  Want me to try one of yours?  Send me an email at

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - H is for Haunting

A haunting is usually a replay of something from the past.  Most hauntings are residual hauntings.  Meaning one moment in time gets replayed over and over.  One example of this might be of a farmer going outside to milk cows.  Usually it is something that the person did in their life over and over, and it’s like the needle is stuck on replay.    

When we started to remodel our carport to turn it into a kennel building for our dogs, hubby and I experienced a lot of residual paranormal activity.  On several separate occasions hubby saw an older gentleman walking first into the closet, which we used to store yard tools, then out the back door into the yard.  When I saw him, he was usually walking around in the back yard, wearing a blue baseball cap.  He never noticed us and seemed to be going about his daily chores.  The idea of residual hauntings is much like the “Stone Tape” theory.  Basically it means that the surroundings, trees, rocks and even buildings record the energy of an event, and under certain circumstances the brain can pick up these “tapped incidents” and the eyes see them.  When dealing with a residual haunting, the ghost or entity will not interact with the outside world.  It simply walks or moves through the paces of a previously completed pattern.

Now, at the same time, you can also have what is called an intelligent haunting.   Intelligent haunts are those which the energy or entity actually interacts with the living world.  This can range from knocking things off a shelf to having responses to questions.  I have had three incidents where I interacted with the energy here. 

The first time was when we first moved into our bedroom.  The end of my hall way seems to be the source of the energy.  I almost feel as though it is a conduit for the paranormal energy coming into and going out of the house.  On each side of the end of the hallway are doors.  One leads out offices and the other to our bedroom.  Originally when we set up the bedroom we had the head of the bed against that wall, with the foot facing east.  At night when I’d lay down, I’d feel a face come around the corner from the end of the hall and stare right into my face in a silent scream.  It became so worrisome that I had to move the bed to the opposite side of the room.  Now my head is pointing towards the east and the foot of my bed to the west in the direction of the door.
The next time I was sitting in the Kitchen and was doing research on the lady (Mrs. Mantha Rose) who owned the house before me.  She passed away and her family put the house up for sale.  I was reading her obituary in the local paper archives when I felt a presence in the room.  As I was reading her obituary out loud, I looked over my shoulder and there was a man standing by the pantry.  I said the first name Perry Brock and the entity shook his head no.  I then read Thurman Rose and he nodded in the affirmative and disappeared.

The final time I was sitting in my office working and I heard a loud crash from our bedroom.  I went inside the room and found my jewelry box flipped neatly upside down on the floor in front of the bed.  It had been sitting on the dresser.  It have flown 3-4 feet through the air and landed with open face down on the floor.  I started to pick my stuff up and I noticed that hubby’s mother’s ring was on the floor behind the bed.  It was a good 2 feet farther away than the rest of the contents of the box.  When I began putting my stuff back in the box I noticed that my amethyst crystal had shattered completely.  I've often felt the presence of energy here in the house and have come to accept that others may live here and it is OK.

Today I have my ancestor alter set up with photos of those who have passed.  I've included the ring that was tossed behind the bed, just to see if there is some energy associated it with. 

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

I make offerings to the dead on Samhain and pay my respects throughout the year.  I completely believe that hauntings are a real thing and usually aren't something to be afraid of.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Meatless Monday - Super Simple Yellow Curry

One of my favorite Indian dishes is curry.  Curry can be made a number of ways.  I really like Yellow Curry.  Curry can be made with or without meat.  Obviously I’ll be making a curry dish without meat.  One of my favorite recipes calls for adding potatoes to the dish.  This dish today is a simple curry that we make when we don’t really want a big meal.

So let’s get started..

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Basmati Rice – We cook for two so we make 2 servings
Curry Powder
Coconut Milk
Naan Bread or Pita Bread

To make perfect rice, I bring 1 ½ cups of water to a boil, add salt and 1 cup of rice.  Turn burner to low and cover the pot for 20 minutes.  Remove from heat.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

To make the curry I open 1 can of coconut milk and add it to a pot.  Sometimes your milk may form a solid on top, it’s perfectly fine to use, just add the solids as well as the milk to the pan and warm through.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add 2-4 tablespoons of curry powder to the milk to start and stir.  Now taste the curry, at this point you can add more curry if you’d like.  The more powder you add the hotter the curry will be.  I add my Naan Bread to a flat top cast iron pan and heat it on the back while I finish off the curry.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson
After the curry is heated through it’s ready to serve.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

If you’d like at this point you can fine cube some tofu or add boiled potatoes to the curry.
Serve over rice or with heated Naan Bread or Pita Bread

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

I really enjoy Indian, Mexican and Thai flavors.  This is a really easy way to get into making curries. 

Did you try this?  I’d  love to hear how you made out.  Want to share a recipe with me, leave me a message here or send me an email at

Namaste & Blessed Be

Pagan Blog Project 2013 - H is for Hecate

Hecate is a sometimes called a Greco-Roman Goddess, though she predates this era.  She is said to be the key bearer to the underworld.  Granted dominion over the heavens, the earth and the seas; she is associated with fire, light, moon, magic and witchcraft.  She is considered a goddess to the midwife and with the magic of necromancy.  Sometimes called the Goddess of the Witches, Hecate is often depicted as a triple form goddess.  Though tagged as the Crone by Aleister Crowley, Hecate is certainly represented by each stage of the Goddess including maiden and mother. 

In Mythology, Hecate, a Titan was favored by Zeus before all others and granted dominion over the Earth, Heavens and seas.  Hesiod referred to her as the only daughter of Perses and Asteria.  One of the more popular and my favorite Myth involving Hecate is the abduction of Persephone. 
The story goes; Persephone was abducted by the God of the Underworld – Hades, while she was out collecting flowers.  Demeter searched to find her daughter.   While she looked her sadness caused the world to fall into state where nothing could grow.   Hecate assisted Demeter by telling her that Helios, the Sun God sees everything and he should know what happened to Persephone.  

It wasn't until after Persephone was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds that she was found.  It was the rule of the Fates that if someone consumed food or drink in the Underworld, they had to stay there for all eternity.  A deal was made with the distraught Demeter that allowed Persephone to spend four months in the Underworld with Hades, and the rest of the time with her mother.  This is where the winter season comes from.  In her sadness for her missing daughter, Demeter mourns and nothing can grow on the Earth until she returns in the spring.

Hecate is the Goddess of the Crossroads.  It is thought that offerings made to her should be placed at a three way intersection.  Garlic, honey, mushrooms and eggs are placed with a flame.  The plate is left and it is said that one should walk away without looking back.  Hecate will decide who gets what is left for her and at times, it was thought that she fed the homeless and needy with her offerings.  The torch, the dog, the key and the dagger are often found in her representations. 
The willow and the yew tree are sacred to Hecate.  Black dogs are also associated with Hecate.  Being the Goddess of Witchcraft and necromancy, Hecate is often called upon to assist those traveling from the land of the living to the Underworld.  Many see her as the guardian to the Underworld and the holder of the key to the gates there.  Because of this association many call upon Hecate in their workings with the dead. 

Typically held on the 13th of each month, Hecate’s supper is a ritual where eggs, fish, garlic, mushrooms and honey are left at a cross roads in her honor.  The Night of Hecate is November 16, while the Day of Hecate is considered November 30th.  Modern festivals include an event held on the full moon in May called the Rite of her SacredFires, where Hecateans around the world participate in a ritual to honor the Goddess.

For many years I considered myself Wiccan and had no particular deity.  After working with Christian Day’s “The Witch’s Book of the Dead”, I began to research Hecate and found a connection with her.  I completed my dedication in January 2012 and now work my circles and rituals in her honor.

I've created a Shrine to Hecate on my blog found here and much of my published work around Hecate can be found in the quarterly publication called Askei Kataskei available for free download here.  I also have a board on Pinterest dedicated to locating images of the Goddess Hecate.

I spend a lot of time working with clay and created this piece below for Hecate.

The Goddess Hecate - Artist - Renee Olson
Photo Credit - Renee Olson
I found this awesome ambigram on the web and had hubby clean it up, maybe I'll make it into a neat Tattoo.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

I'm extremely happy working with the Queen of the Witches today.  She speaks to me and I invite her knowledge into my soul every Tuesday evening.  

Namaste & Blessed Be

Epic Blogger Award

Today one of my dear friends left me an award on my blog.  Vickie from Aoibheal's Lair gave me the "Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness".

The award comes with a few rules.

1. Display the award on your page.
2. Link back to the person that gave it to you.
3. List 10 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to get the award.

I got the first two done, now for ten things about myself... let's see.....

1. I love love love Tattoos!  I just got a new tattoo yesterday...
Photo Credit - Renee Olson
Tattooist - Elijah Olson
2. I love to work with Clay.  I'm working on a new piece, it's a dragon coaster.  The center dish is for holding a coffee mug.  It's still in progress.  I'm deciding on paint colors now while it dries.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

3. I have an amazing kid who just published her first book on amazon.  She created the book to use as a fundraiser for a chest reduction surgery.  Her current fund raiser status can be found here.

Photo Credit - A.L. Olson

4. I have a deep love for sexy music....

From Rap

to Pop

to Blues

5. I am a Devotee to the Goddess Hecate and a member of The Covenant of Hekate.  This will be my second year taking part as a solitary in the Rite of her Sacred Fires.   Hecate called to me last year and I completed the Rite of the Red Cord to devote myself to her.  I spend a great deal of time researching the history of Hecate as well as incorporating her into my art.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

6. I love animals.  I have yorkies, chihuahuas, 3 indoor cats, a parakeet, 3 grown hens, 6 baby chicks and a colony of 5 feral cats.  I raise yorkies with my hubby at ETKennels.  I also foster and rescue.  We offer a program at our kennel called "Always Home".  As part of our contract, any pups that can no longer be cared for are returned to us.  They will either live out their days in our home or will be re-homed with a new loving family.  In this way we ensure that none of our dogs end up in shelters.  We also offer support in answering questions, getting shot info and helping locating animal resources as needed for everyone.  Not just those who buy from us.

7. I am an advocate for LGBT Rights.  When I started my work with the LGBT Community, it was the LG Community and we had Pride in the Park in Norfolk VA.  There were 10 people and a hibachi.  I moved to San Diego and was completely blown away by the size of their Pride celebration.  I volunteered with the LGBT Center and began working with Marriage Equality.  I'm thrilled to see changes over the past years including Marriage rights for LGBT in many states.  Full federal equality is coming!

8. I'm gamer geek from days of old.  I started with a game called Tel-arena on a computer bulletin board and ended up working for Sony Online Entertainment as Lead GM Salonafinn.  It doesn't matter what you do in a GM situation, you'll always end up with one pissed off group and one happy group.  My exploits can still be found on Goggle today.

9.  I believe we should all have good food.  GMO scares me.  No one seems to think it's not a good idea to put different types of DNA into corn, soybeans or other food and then feed them to our kids.  It's just crazy.

10. I have a shop called Sosanna's Closet.  We're starting out vending at local events such as CNC Pagan Pride in Raleigh and Earth Day at Truely Unique in Wilson.

Now... I need to nominate 10 other blogs... let's see.....

I know many of these will probably have already been nominated but I'm going to add them just the same....

1. I adore Rhonda over at Good Green Witch.  Learning about our environment and sharing information on everything from plastics to fracking, Rhonda has an amazing way of delivering the information in an upfront, clear and concise way.

2. Kallan's Sunday Stew is just one of the great things on the menu at The Secret Life of the American Working Witch.  From current events, news to dealing with stress there's always something wonderful going on there.

3. Monica over at TransGriot tells it like it is even when it comes to calling out HRC on its treatment of the trans* community in the recent protests at the Supreme Court during the oral arguments around Marriage Equality.

4. Sam at Chronicles of an Anthropology Nerd, is not only a fellow tattoo and otter lover but also an amazing writer and a frequent shopper at Sosanna's Closet.   If you haven't checked out her blog, I highly recommend it.

5. If you want to stay up on all the latest LGBT News and happenings Joe. My. God. is an amazing blog to follow.  From finding the scoop on politicians on the down low to getting the dish on attacks in Paris at Marriage rallies, Joe offers up front and direct coverage of today's happenings.

6. Another of my favorite blogs is Pagan Culture.  Magaly shares her dark fiction as well as a glimpse into her personal life.  She's witty, strong and saucy.  Everything I love in a woman. She's currently hosting "Witches Fiction 2013 ... To the Bone", with stories and giveaways galore!!

7. Heartsong's Circle is always peaceful and enchanting to me when I arrive.  Alan has a way of being the voice of reason when hotter heads are popping off around.  He's centered and indeed sends out what I believe is a very positive loving energy.  Adding his posts and comments to your day will indeed make it a brighter place.

8. Inciting a Riot is indeed a riot.  If you're not following Fire Lyte, I recommend it.  From serious stuff to the fun, Fire Lyte says those things out loud which many of us just think about.  Over the holidays his confessions of retail kept me in stitches for weeks.

9. Fellow artist and blogger Tess, over at East Coast Craft & Curio has given us a glimpse into her life and what makes her tick.  Tess is an amazing person and I'm grateful to call her a friend.

10.  If you like current events, book reviews and general ramblings from a pagan mother prospective "I'm Not Hannah" is a great blog to follow.  I cannot begin to say enough about how witty and touching this blog can be.

Well there we have it.  My 10 things and my 10 Blogs.  I believe these are all incredibly epic blogs!

Head over and have a gander.

Namaste & Blessed Be

Meatless Monday - Baingan Ka Bharta

For the last three years I've been working to clean up my diet.  I used to drink 3-4 32 oz McDonald’s Sweet Tea every day.  That’s over 300 calories per drink.  I was taking in over 1200 calories a day just in Tea.

Today the only beverage I drink is water all day and a green smoothie every other day.  I don’t eat processed foods at all and I am a vegetarian.  I do eat eggs and milk products so I’m considered Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian.

Before I became vegetarian I was very picky about my food.  I wouldn't try anything that looked too ‘strange’ or ‘different’ from what I was used to eating. That meant lots of fried food, lots of junk food and lots of drive through. One thing I never ate as a child was eggplant.   I never really even knew what an eggplant was until I was an adult, and never tasted one before a year ago.  Shocking I know.

One dish I tried recently is Baingan Ka Bharta.  Bharta is a smoky eggplant dish that uses cumin, onion and tomatoes to create a curry that can be served with rice and/or Naan.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

1 eggplant
4 tbsp. oil (Canola, Sunflower or Olive) 2 for the eggplant and 2 for sautéing the garlic & onion
1 tsp. Cumin Seeds
1 large onion – chopped fine
1 tbsp. garlic – chopped fine
1” piece of ginger root – grated fine
1 green chili (remove most of the seeds – seeds = heat)
1 tomato – chopped fine
½ tsp. coriander powder
½ tsp. cumin powder
½ tsp. garam masala powder
1 glass of wine - add to chef throughout the cooking process

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Start out by preparing the eggplant to roast by cutting it lengthwise and scoring the inside of the flesh in a diamond pattern.  Add salt and olive oil to the top and place skin side down in a baking dish.  Place in 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the flesh pulls away from the skin easily.  Scoop out and set aside.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Get a large pan on medium heat and add the olive oil.  Add cumin seeds to the hot oil and cook until they stop sputtering.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Add the onions and cook until clear then add the garlic and ginger and fry for about a minute. 

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Next add the finely diced tomatoes and all the remaining powdered spices.  Cook for about 3-5 minutes and stir constantly to avoid the mixture from sticking.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Finally add the eggplant and cook for about another minute.
Serve over rice and/or with Naan.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

This dish was pretty good.  We tried it several times adjusting the recipe.  Remember to remove most of the seeds from your chilies if you want to be milder in flavor.  I used only one and it was still a bit spicy. 

A lot of traditional Indian and Thai dishes call for ginger.  I recommend getting a fresh ginger root and keeping it on your counter.  You can always use it to make Crystallized Ginger Candy which is great for digestion!

Have questions?  Have a recipe you’d like me to try?  Feel free to leave a comment here or email me at

Namaste & Blessed Be