Lammas - Flowers and Hecate

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a pagan holiday celebrating the first harvest. It is a time to give thanks for the abundance of crops and to honor the gods and goddesses of agriculture.

The name Lammas comes from the Old English word hlāfmæsse, which means "loaf-mass." This is because it was customary for people to bring a loaf of bread made from the new grain to church on this day. The priest then blessed the bread, and the people would share it with each other.

Lammas is also a time for festivals and games. In some cultures, people would build bonfires and dance around them. There would also be competitions to see who could reap the most grain in time.

Today, Lammas is still celebrated by some pagans and Wiccans. However, it is also a popular time for people of all faiths to celebrate the harvest. Many festivals and events are held on Lammas, and people often enjoy traditional foods such as bread, pastries, and fruit.

Symbols of Lammas

There are many symbols associated with Lammas, including:

Wheat: Wheat is the most important symbol of Lammas, as it is the first crop to be harvested. It represents abundance, fertility, and prosperity.

Corn dollies: Corn dollies are small figures made from the last sheaves of corn that are cut. They are believed to represent the corn's spirit and are often decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Sun: The sun is also a symbol of Lammas, as it is at its height during this time of year. It represents life, growth, and warmth.

Fire: Fire is another important symbol of Lammas. It is often used in rituals and ceremonies to represent the sun's power and the harvest's warmth.

Lammas Traditions

There are many traditional practices associated with Lammas, including:

Baking bread: Baking bread is a popular tradition on Lammas. The bread is made from the new grain and is often decorated with harvest symbols.

Making corn dollies: Corn dollies are another popular tradition on Lammas. They are made from the last sheaves of corn that are cut, and they are often decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Building bonfires: Building bonfires is a traditional way to celebrate Lammas. The bonfires are often lit at night, and people would dance around them.

Celebrating with festivals: There are many festivals held on Lammas. These festivals often feature traditional foods, music, and dance.


Celebrating Lammas Today

Lammas is a time to celebrate the abundance of the harvest and to give thanks for the gifts of the earth. It is also a time to reflect on the cycle of life and to appreciate the warmth of the sun.

There are many ways to celebrate Lammas today. You can bake bread, make corn dollies, build a bonfire, or attend a festival. You can also simply spend time outdoors enjoying the beauty of the harvest season.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, Lammas is a time to come together with family and friends to give thanks for the gifts of the earth.

Using Summer Flowers for Lammas

Summer is a time of abundance, and the flowers that bloom during this season are a beautiful way to celebrate Lammas. Here are some ideas on how to use summer flowers in your Lammas celebrations:

Decorate your home with flowers. Summer flowers are a beautiful way to decorate your home for Lammas. 
  • You can add them to vases, wreaths, or centerpieces.
  • Make a flower crown. A flower crown is a simple and elegant way to celebrate Lammas. You can make your own flower crown using summer flowers or purchase one from a local florist.
  • Bake bread or pastries with flowers. Adding flowers to bread or pastries is a delicious way to celebrate Lammas. You can use any type of summer flower, but some popular choices include lavender, chamomile, and rose.
  • Make a flower altar. A flower altar is a beautiful way to honor the gods and goddesses of agriculture. You can create your own flower altar using a table, a bookshelf, or even a windowsill.
  • Have a bonfire. Building a bonfire is a traditional way to celebrate Lammas. You can decorate the bonfire with flowers, and you can even roast marshmallows over the fire.

Here are some specific summer flowers that are associated with Lammas:

  • Sunflowers: Sunflowers are a symbol of abundance and prosperity. They are also associated with the sun, which is at its height during the Lammas season.
  • Cornflowers: Cornflowers are a symbol of the harvest. They are often used in corn dollies, which are small figures made from the last sheaves of corn that are cut.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are a symbol of protection and good luck. They are also associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, who is the patron saint of spring and agriculture.
  • Lavender: Lavender is a symbol of peace and tranquility. It is also associated with the element of air, which is believed to be at its strongest during the Lammas season.
  • Gladiolus: Gladiolus is a symbol of strength and courage. They are also associated with the Roman god Mars, who is the god of war.
No matter which flowers you choose, using summer flowers in your Lammas celebrations is a beautiful way to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the abundance of the harvest.

I choose not to pull the flowers but enjoy them right where they grow. Here are a few photos from my yard. 

Calling on Hecate for Lammas


A basket or bowl
A handful of summer flowers
A black candle
A piece of paper
A pen

  • Go outside and find a spot where you can sit comfortably.
  • Gather a handful of summer flowers. You can choose any flowers that you like, but some good options include sunflowers, cornflowers, marigolds, lavender, or gladiolus.
  • Place the flowers in the basket or bowl.
  • Light the black candle.
  • Take a piece of paper and pen and write down your intentions for the Lammas season. What are you grateful for? What do you hope to achieve?
  • Sit quietly for a few minutes and contemplate your intentions.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Visualize the flowers in the basket or bowl as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.
  • Open your eyes and call upon Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads, the moon, and magic.
  • Ask Hecate to help you manifest your intentions for the Lammas season. (invocation below)
  • Thank Hecate for her guidance and protection.
  • Blow out the candle.
  • Take the flowers inside and place them in a vase.

This ritual is a way to connect with the divine feminine and celebrate the harvest's abundance. By calling upon Hecate, you are asking for her help to manifest your intentions and to protect you on your journey. You also create a beautiful and meaningful way to honor the Lammas season.

Here are some additional tips for this ritual:

You can do this ritual in a garden, a park, or backyard.
If you are doing this ritual with children, you can have them help you gather the flowers.
You can also add other elements to the ritual, such as singing, dancing, or drumming.
After the ritual, you can use the flowers to decorate your home or to make a flower crown.

Rite of Lamma with Hecate

Hecate, triple goddess of the crossroads,
Moon of the night,
Guardian of the underworld,
I call upon you.

Come to me tonight,
On this night of Lammas,
The first harvest.

Bless my intentions,
And help me manifest my dreams.
Protect me on my journey,
And guide me through the darkness.

I honor you, Hecate,
And I thank you for your presence.

Remember, stay present and mindful.
Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson
Keybearer to the CoH🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.🔥

The Five Virtues and the Noble Eightfold Path

 The Five Virtues and the Noble Eightfold Path

The five virtues of compassion, courage, wisdom, temperance, and justice are all essential qualities for living a good life. They are also closely connected to the Noble Eightfold Path, a Buddhist teaching that guides living a life of virtue and enlightenment.

Compassion is the ability to feel empathy for others and to want to help them. It is the foundation of all the other virtues and essential for building strong relationships and creating a peaceful world.

Courage is the ability to face our fears and challenges. It is necessary to stand up for what we believe in, even when it is difficult. Courage is also essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals.

Wisdom is the ability to see things clearly and to make wise decisions. It is essential for understanding the world around us and living our lives in a way that aligns with our values.

Temperance is the ability to control our desires and live a moderation life. It is essential for maintaining physical and mental health and avoiding destructive behaviors.

Justice is the ability to treat others fairly and to uphold the principles of right and wrong. It is essential for creating a just and equitable society.

The Noble Eightfold Path is a set of guidelines for living a life of virtue and enlightenment. It is divided into three sections: wisdom, morality, and concentration.

The wisdom section of the Noble Eightfold Path includes right understanding and right thought. Right understanding is the ability to see the world clearly and understand reality's nature. Right thought is the ability to think positively and constructively.

The morality section of the Noble Eightfold Path includes right speech, right action, and right livelihood. Right speech is the ability to speak the truth in a kind and compassionate way. Right action is the ability to act in a way that benefits ourselves and others. Right livelihood is the ability to earn a living in a way that is ethical and sustainable.

The concentration section of the Noble Eightfold Path includes right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Right effort is the ability to apply our willpower to overcome our negative thoughts and behaviors. Right mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Right concentration is the ability to focus on a single object or thought.

The five virtues and the Noble Eightfold Path are closely connected. The five virtues are essential qualities for living a life of virtue and enlightenment, and they are all included in the Noble Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path provides a guide for how to develop these virtues in our own lives.

To live a good life, we need to cultivate the five virtues of compassion, courage, wisdom, temperance, and justice. We can do this by following the Noble Eightfold Path and practicing the virtues daily. By developing these virtues, we can create a better world for ourselves and for others.

Exploring the Connection: Following Hecate and Being Buddhist

The spiritual journey is a vast and diverse landscape, offering countless paths for seekers to explore and connect with the divine. Buddhism and the worship of Hecate, the powerful Greek goddess, may seem disparate at first glance. However, upon closer examination, intriguing parallels, and connections can be found between these two traditions. This article delves into the relationship between following Hecate and being Buddhist, shedding light on the shared values, practices, and perspectives that can enhance one's spiritual path.

In both Buddhism and Hecate worship, there is a recognition and reverence for the divine feminine. While Buddhism is often associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, numerous female figures hold significant roles. For instance, the Bodhisattva Tara represents compassion and wisdom, embodying feminine qualities of nurturing and guidance.

Similarly, Hecate is a prominent goddess associated with the mysteries of the feminine divine. As the goddess of the crossroads, magic, and witchcraft, she embodies powerful aspects of femininity, including intuition, transformation, and independence. Following Hecate allows individuals to honor and connect with the divine feminine energy within themselves and in the world around them, complementing the Buddhist emphasis on balance and interconnectedness.

Buddhism teaches that life is marked by impermanence, and embracing this truth leads to liberation from suffering. The concept of impermanence aligns with Hecate's transformative nature. She is a goddess who guides individuals through transitions, symbolizing the constant change inherent in life's cycles. Worshiping Hecate encourages practitioners to embrace transformation and find solace in the ever-changing nature of existence.

Both Buddhism and Hecate worship emphasize the significance of mindfulness and ritual practices. Buddhist meditation cultivates mindfulness, fostering awareness and deepening one's connection to the present moment. Similarly, Hecate worship often involves ritual practices aimed at heightening consciousness, such as chanting, creating altars, and performing ceremonies during specific lunar phases.

By integrating mindfulness and ritual practices, followers of Hecate and Buddhists alike can develop a greater sense of spiritual awareness, cultivate inner peace, and forge a deeper connection with the divine.

Buddhism places great emphasis on ethical living and compassion toward all beings. The practice of following the Noble Eightfold Path, which includes principles such as Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood, guides individuals to lead virtuous lives and cultivate loving-kindness.

In a similar vein, Hecate worship encourages practitioners to embrace compassion and kindness. As a goddess associated with witchcraft and magic, Hecate's devotees often seek to manifest positive change and promote harmony in their lives and the world around them.

While Buddhism and Hecate worship emerge from different cultural and historical contexts, intriguing connections can be found when exploring their spiritual principles and practices. Both traditions offer pathways to personal transformation, the cultivation of mindfulness, and ethical living. By blending elements from Buddhism and Hecate worship, individuals can enrich their spiritual journey, drawing from the wisdom of these diverse traditions to deepen their understanding of the self, foster compassion, and nurture their connection with the divine.


"Tara (Buddhism)." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Accessed June 21, 2023. [Link]

Davis, T. (2019). "The Polyvalence of Tara in Himalayan and Tibetan Buddhism." Religions, 10(8), 485. [Link]

Zohara, M. (2018). "Hekate and the Androgynous Soul." The Journal of the International Association for the Study of the Figure of the Witch, 1(1), 92-113.

Batchelor, S. (2004). Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening. Penguin.

Batchelor, S. (2012). After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age. Yale University Press.

What is an Oracle?


An oracle is a person or a place regarded as a source of divine knowledge or prophecy. In ancient times, oracles were highly respected figures who were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods or divine entities and provide guidance, predictions, or answers to questions posed by individuals or communities.

Oracles could be individuals with special abilities, such as priestesses or priests, who acted as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine realm. They would enter a state of trance or altered consciousness through various methods, such as inhaling fumes, chanting, or performing rituals, to receive divine messages and insight.

Oracle sites, such as the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, were also places where people would seek divinatory guidance. These sites were often associated with a particular deity, and individuals would visit the site and pose their questions or seek guidance through rituals, offerings, or direct interaction with the designated oracle.

The information provided by oracles was considered sacred and highly influential in decision-making processes, such as matters of state, warfare, or personal affairs. The guidance of oracles was sought for a wide range of topics, including the outcome of battles, the success of ventures, or advice on personal matters.

Oracles played a significant role in ancient societies, and their pronouncements held great weight and influence. While the prominence of oracles has diminished in modern times, the concept of seeking guidance or divinatory insights from spiritual or intuitive sources still persists in various forms today.

I often call on Hecate before and during my readings. However, She is primarily known in Greek mythology as a goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and the night, rather than specifically as an oracle. While she possessed knowledge of hidden things and was believed to have prophetic abilities, her role as an oracle is not as prominent as that of other deities, such as Apollo or the Pythia at the Oracle of Delphi.

However, Hecate was considered a powerful and mystical deity who could grant visions and insights into the future. As a goddess associated with the crossroads, liminal spaces, and transitions, she was believed to have knowledge of the hidden paths and could guide individuals through uncertain times.

Hecate's connection to prophecy and divination is often related to her role as a mistress of magic and the occult. She was sometimes invoked for guidance and assistance in receiving prophetic dreams, visions, or messages. Her association with witchcraft and mystical practices suggests that she may have been consulted for divinatory purposes by those seeking her wisdom and guidance.

While Hecate is not specifically identified as an oracle in the same way as other figures in Greek mythology, her powers and insights were recognized, and she played a significant role in the realm of magic, mysticism, and the hidden knowledge of the supernatural.

What do you think? Do you call on her powers for your readings? Do you work with her as a messenger goddess? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Remember, stay present and mindful.
Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson
Keybearer to the CoH🗝
Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.🔥