In Focus - Astrology - Your Personal Guide - A Review

Today I'm reviewing another book from the In Focus series from WellFleet Press called Astrology Your Personal Guide by Sasha Fenton 

Photo Credit - Cover

WellFleet Facebook Page
Sasha Fenton Web Page
Book - Publisher Page
Author -  Good Reads - Page
Book - Good Reads  - Page
My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Each book I have in this series has the same high quality hard cover and is filled with great images. As a bonus each one has a pocked in the back that contains either a set of cards or a full color poster related to the topic of the book.  This one in particular has a huge single sided color poster with  the sun signs in a list and several tables related to the qualities, genders and elements.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

We have all opened a newspaper or website to read out horoscope of the day. This book takes that simple prediction and breaks it down by elements, and puts it all together.  Each sign is broken down in to common attributes, gender, symbols and ruling planet.  But taken a step further the author includes astrological houses, moon signs as well was rising and falling signs. I particularity like the way the author used famous people in the natal and event charts in the book.  You'll find familiar names like Tom Hanks, Jimmi Hendrix, Joan Collins and JFK to name a few.

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

Photo Credit Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Astrology

This is a great reference book as well.  It is packed with tables, charts and other reference materials that would make it a great on the go book for any reader or medium to keep handy.   All and all, I believe this is a well written, easy to understand and excellent resource for those beginning their journey or looking to have a quick go to reference book in their possession.

Yard Sale Witch - The World of eMagic

As I sit here this morning with my coffee, overly sweetened with vanilla, I hear the bugs singing as the sun slowly rises over the dunes of my new home. The wheel turns and moves us on around the sun. I think about where I am now and where I may be going in the future. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

My paths lay before me, waiting for me to choose my direction.  Scrolling through the social media feeds, I see so many just trying to stay alive. Thoughts and prayers, energies sent around the globe holding together this tumultuous place in which we attempt to thrive. What are we doing with our energies? What have we become?

Have you noticed that when you hear something over and over your brain begins to block it out?  The frog in boiling water tale quickly comes to mind. We're sitting here with our feet to the proverbial flames and still we stand closer. We forget that we need to refill these energy reservoirs before heading out to our next "thoughts and prayers" event.

Image result for thoughts and prayers

Historically the witch required something that belonged to the target in order to cast a solid spell. Hair and nail clippings and sometimes even personal possessions were collected and used as anchors for magical spell work.  Today magic seems to be sent across the electronic divide with a simple "High Five" emoji and the word "sending".   Apparently "sending" is the new "abracadabra" or "so mote it be".  The world of e-Magic has begun.

Image result for high five emoji

Now I'm the first to balk at someone who says you must have a red candle for this magic or a blue for that. I do not for a second believe the energies created from the candle are dependent on the color. Hell, currently you can barely find a candle that is colored completely to the center so is part of my magic blue and part white?  No, of course not.  My intend is there no matter the color of my candle. The color is merely a reminder of my intent. It helps me keep my focus on my "blue" magic vs. "green".

Sometimes we forget that while it is easy to send our eMagic out into the world, it is still grounded in our being. It is still part of us and requires us to take physical measures cut the cord from that connection. So be mindful of that magic you're sending out. If you are a person who is non-magical, I urge you to begin a relationship with a magical person who can connect you to the spirit world outside that of the Yard Sale Witch who is selling you magic for a buck fifty.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson

Your witch is your adviser. They are your confidant. While sending energies on a status message can be beneficial it can hardly replace the one on one interactions available from working with a magical professional.  I'm also calling on you witches out there, your words are power. Your spells are important. Own them. Don't allow them to be stuffed in the discount bin at the yard sale. You provide a service to the community around you. Don't allow your power to be stuffed into a tiny box.

You can practice e-Magic as long as you remember you are THE MAGIC.


Magical Witch in a Modern World

I'm going a lot of soul searching lately.  I'm not even sure an atheist is allowed to do that. (LOL) But I have been. I saw a meme that really spoke to me.

Image result for religion is doing what you're told regardless of what is right

To me this is the epitome of what I long to be. We do not need to have a specific path to know what is right and wrong. I often hear from religious people, religion/God stops people from raping and murdering.  Well, I rape and murder the exact amount of times I want to. The amount of time I want to is none. I don't need to have a set discipline in order to understand the fundamental right of those around me to live and thrive. Simply understanding that I want to live and thrive is enough.

So what does that mean in regards to my past blog posts and my attraction to an ancient deity?  

To me, deities are the personification of attributes we want to emulate. So if we were in a situation that caused us fear as ancient beings, we would want something that would project strength.  If we were concerned about food for the up coming winter, we may look to bring prosperity into our lives.

If you think about literature and consider how fables and lore was used to keep children in line or to carry a message you can see that it could have been very easy to have the Word of Aesop vs. the Word of the Christian God for example. The Boy Who Cried Wolf quickly learned that if he continued to lie that no one would believe him. The thought of being tossed in a lake of fire was required for adults to continue to listen to these lessons.  As man quickly learned they could control the masses with this tool, everything that could be pulled into the "sin" category was put in place.
Image result for religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell

What code do I  use to guide me, if I do not religion?

Some years ago as part of a unique project for the Covenant of Hekate, I worked with a team to create what we believed the virtues of Hekate may be.  These were adopted by the organization as our code of ethics.

You can find the five virtues as well as our discussion around it on the CoH website.  I have copied the brief definitions here.

■ Compassion – Sympathy and/or concern for others who are suffering or find themselves in an
undesirable position.

■ Courage – Strength or character or fortitude to stand firm in your convictions and face
adversity or distress without fear.

■ Temperance – Moderation and self-control are both acts of Temperance.

■ Justice – Moral and physical rightness are both aspects of Justice, as is the sometimes
contradictory act of behaving fairly towards other people.

■ Wisdom – To have the common sense, foresight and understanding to think or act in a
manner most objectively and beneficially to any given situation.

To me, anyone not just a devote of Hecate or any other deity can posses. I don't need to believe that a female giant with the head of a horse, dog and lion walked this earth in order to believe that everyone should be treated fair and just.  I don't need to believe that Hecate assisted in locating Persephone in order to understand that I should treat others well. I know that compassion is something that I should give to ever living creature, even those who may not believe as I do.

The Five Virtues, to me, are no different than what the Ten Commandments were intended to be. You following the rules and do what is right because it is the right thing to do, not because someone will toss you into a lake of fire and you'll burn for all eternity.  We would be much better off if we simply learned to live and let live.

Image result for live and let live

How does this influence me from a magical and modern perspective?

To me, like many others, magic is simply science we don't understand yet. If we look back in time we know that if we told the ancients we had a device that gave us the power to speak to people around the world and access all the information in libraries around the world they would call it one thing.  Magic. As a reader, I can't tell you where my talent comes from. I know that as I have changed my environment to remove distraction. Limited my exposure to television as well as other types of media I have found that my ability to read more accurately has increased. 

I think the same holds true for other gifts. As the mind relaxes the brain opens up to allow more information to flow. As it flows we are more in tune with those gifts. Allowing for readings that are more accurate. Our ancestors in antiquity had little to no electronic interference and therefore had more connection to the magical.  My grandmother was able to tell when someone was coming to see her. She was able to tell when she was getting money and assorted other gifts. I inherited most of those from her. As I continue to grow spiritually and spend more time with myself in nature I believe that eventually these gifts will become more powerful. And many years from now, far into the future I will not be surprised to learn that what I see now as a rare gift, that we will learn through science that we can all access them.

In Focus - Meditation - Your Personal Guide - A Review

I'm reviewing a few books from the "In Focus" series from Wellfleet Press.  The first is called In Focus Meditation - Your Personal Guide by Jacqueline Towers.

Book cover

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Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Along with the other books I have reviewed in this series the publisher has produced a sturdy and well made book.  So many try to change the covers with specialized paper types or make the pages uneven to add some sort of character to the book.  To me, the best book has a solid spine, a strong cover and well aligned pages. This books meets all those requirements and more.  Like the other offerings in this series the book comes with several large meditation cards stored in the back of the book. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

The author takes us on a journey through meditation with stops along way to enlighten and even introduce new ways that meditation can and is used in various ways.  Sprinkled throughout the book are an assortment of quotes. From Bill Gates to Buddha you'll find something that resonates with your perspective here.   The author covers Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation and Qi Gong just to name a few.  Mindfulness is my personal favorite.

The author covers several tools that can be used for meditation over several chapters including sounds, and meditative music as well as scents int he form of sprays, candles and essential oils.   Opening up the mind for determination and confidence for example is achieved by adding cedar wood to the room. Use lemon for clarity and bergamot as an antidepressant. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Chapter five takes us through the Chakras with focus on opening, closing, cleansing and balancing. Taking the time to work with each chakra focusing on what the feeling should be as you refresh your approach to dealing with the world around you by centering and becoming present.  The author takes us through each step and provides a quick reference guide on what we should feel as we pass through each level.

One of the best known impacts of meditation is stress relief.  On page 71 the author tells us about creating a circle of confidence.  Creating this space to go back to when we need to refresh our view. For many years (and still today) I use a visualization called "Circle of Control" when I begin to feel anxious about something.  I see my circle of control, inside this circle are all the things in my life that I can control. I look at what the source of my anxiety is and see if it fits within that circle.  If it does not, I have to let it go.  I cannot focus on or attempt to control something that is outside the circle. I have found this to be a great way to focus only on those things that I can actually change and let the rest reside outside the circle and have less of an impact on my day to day life.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

My favorite part of this book is chapter 12.  Psychic Techniques.  I am a reader.  I use my gift to provide answers to my clients about their health or personal relationships.  In a sense being a conduit for discovering what is hidden from their view.  Meditation, separating yourself from the static noise of the modern world, allows these messages to come through more clearly. The author gives several types of techniques for the reader to try including psychometric, ribbon reading and flower reading.  My reading (Psychometry) of photos tends to take others by surprise at my accuracy and even the ability to spot when I'm being tested.  Once you hone your skill at reading you'll find that you're able to connect pretty easily and meditation only adds fuel to the proverbial fire. 

Overall this is a well written, easy to read book.  The author does a great job explaining the subject matter and the quotes are interesting.  I had not seen a book that takes meditation into the metaphysical world quite so directly and I think that any reader would benefit from sitting down with a nice cup of tea and diving right in.  

Egyptian Numerology - Emergence into the Fifth Dimension - A Reivew

I'm reviewing a few books from Balboa Press.  The first is called Egyptian Numerology - Emergence into the Fifth Dimension by Sara Bachmeier.

Image result for egyptian numerology sara bachmeier
Image Credit - Cover

Balboa Press/Hay House Facebook Page
About the Author Page
Book - Publisher Page
Author -  Good Reads - Page
Book - Good Reads  - Page
My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - June 4, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Photo Source - Egyptian Numerology

As I began reading a book on Egyptian Numerology I was surprised to see so many references to Christianity. I was taken aback at first due to their direct opposition to numerology.  I did appreciate the introduction to the author in the first part of the book.  I think many metaphysical publishers forget that this is key when presenting works to those who work with energy.  We like to know who we're working with so please include these.  

Chapter two - Know thyself is the key in many fields of study.  Learn who you are and that will tell you how you approach the world. This books seems to be written from the perspective that those who work in numerology are hidden.  While I agree that some of the metaphysical arts are frowned on, just ask a Hoohoo practitioner, I would say that for the most part, numerology is one of the most accepted forms of divination aside from astrology.  

Chapter four left me scratching my head.  Again the author references Christianity as the authority to which numerology is practiced.  There is a prayer to St. Francis of Assisi at the beginning while references Edgar Cayce and Paramahansa Yogananda.  Certainly a diverse group to pull upon when discussing this topic and continues in chapter five saying that God is the center of all numbers. The alpha and omega.  As an atheist, I was beginning to feel that this book wasn't for me. It reminds me of those Ancient Aliens shows that reference the Christian bible as proof of alien life. I just sit back and shake my head.  

The book continues in part two working with meditation and the chakras. Each one broken down by number, element, weekday, planet, metal, season, direction, animal, color, sound, mantra, organ, angel, scent and affirmation.  While the individual affirmations are relatively standard for metaphysical work the final one is as follows:

I am the pulse of the blessed Mother Earth.I am the universal flow.I am the divine creation.I am the will of God.I speak only my highest good.I seek only my highest good.I am open to only to the divine. (4)

Chapter 13 in part three delves into Soul Urge Numbers. Basically this is said to determine what your soul is urging you to accomplish in your lifetime.  According to the author your soul urge number is simply the day you were born.  In my case it would be 26. 

#26  - Treasurer - Universal charity, wealth, love, harmony, and peace (1)

While not totally inaccurate, if the numbers saw my dyslexia with numbers the last thing they would want me to do is work with the numbers.   The chapter continues with a break down of exactly what each Soul Urge Number means.

.... You have a rare strength in the sense of responsibility when to comes to caring for others, your work, and family.  You possess a strong dedication, a taste for the finer things in life and the ability to attract what you set your attentions on; and the charity you share with others will go a long way in bringing balance to the world.

The subsequent chapters go into defining other important numbers, yet the chart to calculating them is strangely positioned at the end of all of them.  The author tells us that the South Path, Main Karmic Lesson and Soul Life Purpose, just to name a few, can be used to understand your destiny. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Egyptian Numerology

The Soul Path for example is calculated by adding your birthday, birth month and birth year together.

26 (day)
02 (month)
1969 (year)
1997 = 26/4
26/4= 8/4 = 2

My Soul Life Path Number comes to 2.

You have an eye for beauty and a taste for creativity, you add a pleasant flavour to all situations gracefully.  Because you strive to understand both sides of a situation equally, you are a healer and a natural diplomat. (3)

After reviewing the text related to the number two, I found that it was indeed, me.  While I'm not a fan of all the God/Angel references in the book, I can say that it was very interesting reading about the different numbers and understanding how I could look to them to see who I am. I am still a little confused about how this is specifically Egyptian Numerology vs. any other type but it was a good read.  

I recommend checking this book a go and checking out your life numbers. Certainly different than anything I have read to this point.

(1) Egyptian Numerology - Sara Bachmeier - page 101
(2) Egyptian Numerology - Sara Bachmeier - page 108
(3) Egyptian Numerology - Sara Bachmeier - page 112
(4) Egyptian Numerology  - Sara Bachmeier - page 64

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Egyptian Numerology

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - Egyptian Numerology

In Focus - Crystals: Your Personal Guide - A Review

I'm reviewing a few books from the "In Focus" series from Wellfleet Press.  The first is called In Focus Crystals - Your Personal Guide by Bernice Cockram.

In Focus Crystals

WellFleet Facebook Page
Bernice Cockram Twitter Page
Book - Publisher Page
Author -  Good Reads - Page
Book - Good Reads  - Page
My - Good Reads - Page
Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

To begin, this book is very well made.  The cover is sturdy and the stitching is really nice.  I like the smooth feel and the neatly packed double sided grid cards included in the book.
Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

This book is loaded with tables and grids. If you're looking for something that will bring together an assortment of crystal work, this book is for you. There are sections on dowsing, working with Chakras, working with auras and much much more.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

The crystal images are rich and the descriptions are included in table and photo format. There is a section on crystal colors which I found really helpful in identifying what I was working with.

 In the very back of the book is an envelope with double-sided grid cards.  These cards are the size of the book itself and offer some common grids such as Tree of Life and then a new one for me Icosahedron.  Grids are a way of taking a crystals energy and focusing it on a specific goal or desire. Each stone added to the grid apply their specific energy to your goal bringing it to fruition.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram

Just a few of the tables in this book include Crystal Meanings, the magic square, birthstones, chakra stones, zodiac and numerology.   Over all this book is a great resource for novice and professional alike. The quick reference index at the back makes it a great reference book.  I believe this book is a great addition to any metaphysical library.