In Focus - Meditation - Your Personal Guide - A Review

I'm reviewing a few books from the "In Focus" series from Wellfleet Press.  The first is called In Focus Meditation - Your Personal Guide by Jacqueline Towers.

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Release Date - July 31, 2018

Generally I like to start out with a disclaimer. I am an atheist witch.  I look for the connection between magic and science without the need for a deity. I receive no compensation for these reviews and all my links are standard Amazon links and not affiliate links. I am a practicing photo reader and have spent the last 12 years honing my craft.  I offer personal readings by request and have a strong online history that boasts nearly 400,000 views.

Along with the other books I have reviewed in this series the publisher has produced a sturdy and well made book.  So many try to change the covers with specialized paper types or make the pages uneven to add some sort of character to the book.  To me, the best book has a solid spine, a strong cover and well aligned pages. This books meets all those requirements and more.  Like the other offerings in this series the book comes with several large meditation cards stored in the back of the book. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

The author takes us on a journey through meditation with stops along way to enlighten and even introduce new ways that meditation can and is used in various ways.  Sprinkled throughout the book are an assortment of quotes. From Bill Gates to Buddha you'll find something that resonates with your perspective here.   The author covers Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation and Qi Gong just to name a few.  Mindfulness is my personal favorite.

The author covers several tools that can be used for meditation over several chapters including sounds, and meditative music as well as scents int he form of sprays, candles and essential oils.   Opening up the mind for determination and confidence for example is achieved by adding cedar wood to the room. Use lemon for clarity and bergamot as an antidepressant. 

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

Chapter five takes us through the Chakras with focus on opening, closing, cleansing and balancing. Taking the time to work with each chakra focusing on what the feeling should be as you refresh your approach to dealing with the world around you by centering and becoming present.  The author takes us through each step and provides a quick reference guide on what we should feel as we pass through each level.

One of the best known impacts of meditation is stress relief.  On page 71 the author tells us about creating a circle of confidence.  Creating this space to go back to when we need to refresh our view. For many years (and still today) I use a visualization called "Circle of Control" when I begin to feel anxious about something.  I see my circle of control, inside this circle are all the things in my life that I can control. I look at what the source of my anxiety is and see if it fits within that circle.  If it does not, I have to let it go.  I cannot focus on or attempt to control something that is outside the circle. I have found this to be a great way to focus only on those things that I can actually change and let the rest reside outside the circle and have less of an impact on my day to day life.

Photo Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Image Source - In Focus Meditation

My favorite part of this book is chapter 12.  Psychic Techniques.  I am a reader.  I use my gift to provide answers to my clients about their health or personal relationships.  In a sense being a conduit for discovering what is hidden from their view.  Meditation, separating yourself from the static noise of the modern world, allows these messages to come through more clearly. The author gives several types of techniques for the reader to try including psychometric, ribbon reading and flower reading.  My reading (Psychometry) of photos tends to take others by surprise at my accuracy and even the ability to spot when I'm being tested.  Once you hone your skill at reading you'll find that you're able to connect pretty easily and meditation only adds fuel to the proverbial fire. 

Overall this is a well written, easy to read book.  The author does a great job explaining the subject matter and the quotes are interesting.  I had not seen a book that takes meditation into the metaphysical world quite so directly and I think that any reader would benefit from sitting down with a nice cup of tea and diving right in.  

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