Angels and Ancestors - Guardians Three and the Sacred Ones

 Today I'm exploring more into my new oracle deck Angels & Ancestors by Kyle Gray, art by Lily Moses. I wanted to start with a smaller part of the deck and become familiar with the it. Not just memorize the author's meaning of the cards but really fully connect with the intent of the card and what it says to me. 

We'll be going back to the deck and pulling two more of the guardian cards and two of the Sacred Ones cards. I hope you enjoy.


The Mirror Guardian tell us to time time to reflect. We should look at the path behind us, and think about how far we have come. The card depicts an angel looking into the mirror of life, showing us our spiritual strength and beauty.  The mirror is our core belief.  The guardian is there to show us the way to reflect on what we are and what we have become.  We are asked to look at how we have developed and what lessons we have learned along the way. When this card is pulled we should take a moment to give ourselves the approval of what work we have accomplished and credit where credit is due.

The Animal Guardian tells us to trust your instincts. To rely on the animal spirit within ourselves to learn more about ourselves and our talents. Animals are thought of as the angels of nature and will support us on our spiritual journey. Each one bringing its own medicine just when we have a lesson to learn.  This card depicts a tribal angel being supported by her animals.  The powerful animal within can be wild, protective or calm.  This card tells us it is important to connect with how we really feel. When this card is pulled we should take a moment to look into ourselves and rely on that animal instinct to guide our decisions.

Sacred Ones

The Oracle tells us to wait for important information.  We should be open to all information that is coming to us in order to gather all the facts for our decisions.  The Oracle is a truth-speaker, who tells you exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it. In this card the Oracle holds a bowl with sacred smoke rising out of it, bringing the message to look beyond all you can see to gather more information.When this card is pulled, there is an opportunity to see everything clearly, if you choose to see it.  You'll know what to do next, just trust your knowledge and act accordingly.

The Shaman tells us to trust in higher forces.  Look to the angels, the guides and the ancestors for the energy to move forward.  The Shaman is the messenger, helping us realize the needs of mother earth. They are the spiritual guide to light workers and warriors. They lead us to the place where our power was left behind. If you see this card, you need to do some work to release that lower energy that may have been created when your power was left behind. Move yourself in tune with your spiritual allies and use the shamanic potential to connect with the guides to develop a deep connection with the situation and come out on top.

I hope you have enjoyed my take on these Guardian and Sacred Ones Cards. Next week, I'll be delving further into the Ancestors and Angels deck, focusing specifically on more of the cards in the Sacred Ones house. Feel free to add your comments or questions - or reach out directly for a personal connection.


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