Hecate and the Virtue of Justice: How to Restore Balance in Your Life

Cuppa & Cards Part 4 of 5 on the Five Virtues of Hecate - Today we're talking about Justice and we'll have a single card pull at the end. Single Card Pull - Possum - River Witch Oracle Clever - Strategy - Survival Prayer of the 5-Virtues of Hekate Sacred Goddess Hekate help me to manifest Justice in my actions Temperance in my soul Courage in my choices Wisdom in my words Compassion towards all beings. -by Covenant of Hekate Welcome everyone to part four of our five-part series on the Five Virtues of Hecate. I am Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson, Torchbearer, Keybearer, and Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo. Today, we’re exploring the virtue of Justice, and how it relates to Hecate’s role as a protector, a guide, and a guardian of balance and fairness. What is Justice? Justice is about fairness and accountability, ensuring that actions align with the values of equality and balance. It’s a commitment to doing what is right, even when it’s difficult, and holding ourselves and others accountable for their actions. In the spiritual sense, Justice involves not only addressing wrongs but ensuring that harmony and balance are restored. Key Elements of Justice: Upholding fairness in your interactions and decisions. Ensuring balance in all areas of life. Accountability: taking responsibility for your actions and encouraging others to do the same. Personal Reflection: Justice plays a major role in my life as a holistic wellness practitioner. Whether in my relationships or my work, I always strive to act fairly and make decisions that are not only beneficial for me but for those around me. Justice, for me, is about doing what’s right, even when it’s hard. Hecate as a Protector of the Marginalized: Throughout mythology, Hecate is known to protect the vulnerable—those at the edges of society, travelers, women, and those in transition. Her role as a protector reflects her deep connection to Justice, ensuring that those who are often overlooked receive protection and care. Hecate and Karma: In ancient practices, Hecate was sometimes invoked in curse tablets or defixiones—spells meant to bind or seek vengeance on those who had committed wrongs. This reflects her role as a goddess of karmic justice. By invoking Hecate in such curses, individuals sought to ensure that wrongdoers faced consequences, restoring balance when justice was not served by human laws. This connection between Hecate and karmic retribution shows her as a force that oversees fairness on both mortal and divine levels. Hecate’s Role at the Crossroads: As a goddess of the crossroads, Hecate guides those making choices, ensuring that the paths we take are aligned with fairness and ethical responsibility. Her presence at the crossroads reminds us that every choice has consequences, and we must act with integrity. The Chaldean Oracles and Justice: In the Chaldean Oracles, Hecate is seen as a cosmic mediator, maintaining balance between the material and divine worlds. This further emphasizes her role in upholding justice by ensuring that order is maintained on both spiritual and physical planes. Medea and Hecate - In Euripides' play Medea (431 BCE), the sorceress Medea, a devotee of Hecate, calls upon the goddess for strength and justice as she prepares to take revenge on her unfaithful husband, Jason. Hecate is invoked by Medea as she seeks justice for Jason's betrayal. Examples of Justice in Action: Social Justice and Advocacy: Standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, and advocating for fairness in societal systems. Holding Yourself Accountable: Acknowledging your own mistakes and working to correct them. Fairness in Relationships: Ensuring that your relationships are built on respect, fairness, and mutual understanding. Ethical Decision-Making: In daily life and work, making choices that are not only beneficial for you but fair to others and aligned with your values. Justice is not just about laws and courts—it’s about living a life rooted in fairness, accountability, and balance. Justice calls on us to ensure that our actions reflect the ethical values that Hecate stands for. Reflect on where you need to bring more fairness into your life. How can you embody Justice in your decisions, relationships, and spiritual practices? Closing Thought: Just as Hecate stands at the crossroads, helping us navigate our choices with fairness, may we all find the courage to act with integrity and uphold Justice in every aspect of our lives. What do you think? Our next discussion will be on Wisdom on September 27th. Neuse River Witch - neuseriverwitch.com Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo - hecatebrimo.org

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Grits - September 16, 2024

 Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull.
Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Grits - September 16, 2024 Topics - Nourish, Simple, Foundation Finding your root, work on building those things that nourish you. The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Hummingbird - September 15, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Hummingbird - September 15, 2024 Topics - Swiftness, Agility, Resilient Swifties, Buy Yourself Flowers, Joy The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Sweet Potato - September 14, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Sweet Potato - September 14, 2024 Topics - Nourish, Ground, Versatile Selfcare, Reflection, Positive Energy, Vlog Reminder The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Cuppa & Cards - Finding Balance with Hecate: Unlock the Power of Temperance

Cuppa & Cards Part 3 of 5 on the Five Virtues of Hecate - Today we're talking about Temperance and we'll have a single card pull at the end. Card of the day - North - River Witch Oracle Stability - Knowledge - Discovery Topics - Maintaining Balance - Sorita/Alexis & my inability to stay on topic :D Welcome to Part Three of my Five-Part Series on the Five Virtues of Hecate! In this episode, we explore the virtue of Temperance, the key to living a balanced and harmonious life. I’m Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson, Torchbearer, Keybearer, and Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, and today we’ll dive into what it means to practice temperance and how it connects to the wisdom of the goddess Hecate. 🌿 What is Temperance? Temperance is all about balance and moderation—finding equilibrium between your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It’s about maintaining harmony in your spiritual, physical, and emotional lives, and walking the middle path where excess and deprivation don’t exist. 🧙‍♀️ Hecate and Temperance: Hecate, as a triple-formed goddess, is the ultimate guide in maintaining balance. From her role at the crossroads to her mediation between life and death, Hecate embodies temperance by existing in multiple realms. We’ll explore: Hecate as a mediator between worlds and how she helps us navigate life’s extremes. The myth of Persephone, where Hecate maintains balance between life and the underworld. How we can embody temperance in our own lives by following Hecate’s example. 🌿 Modern Practices for Temperance: I’ll also share practical ways to bring more balance into your life, including: Mindful living: Avoiding overindulgence and creating harmony in daily habits. Balancing work and rest: Why it’s essential to nurture both your spiritual and physical self. Emotional temperance: Keeping calm and centered in difficult situations. ✨ Join me on this journey as we unlock the power of temperance and learn how Hecate’s wisdom can help us create a more balanced and peaceful life. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments and reflect on where you can bring more balance into your life! Next episode is Sept 30th and will be on Justice. Have a Glorious Day! Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson hecatebrimo.org neuseriverwitch.com

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Water Moccasin - September 12, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Water Moccasin - September 12, 2024 Topics - Courage, Resolve, Strike Staycation, Thrifting, Vlog Reminder The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Woodshed - September 11, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Woodshed - September 11, 2024 Topics - Discipline, Growth, Strength September 11th, Politics & Health The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Winter - September 10, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Winter - September 10, 2024 Topics - Introspection, Rest, Conservation Meaning of this channel, what we're doing here. The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Musician - September 9, 2024

How to manifest Positivi-Tea!

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Musician - September 9, 2024 Topics - Inspiration, Harmony, Expression Happy Monday - Manifest Positive & Happiness The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence.
#confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Magnolia Tree - September 8, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Magnolia Tree - September 8, 2024 Topics - Beauty, Resilience, Hospitality Melting Pot, Embrace Choas, Welcome Everyone The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Spanish Moss - September 7, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Spanish Moss - September 7, 2024 Topics - Intrigue, Aging, Shelter TEA, Spices, Cultural Fusion and Blog Reminder https://aqeek.com/pages/about-us - Yemen Tea Import https://www.facebook.com/middleeast2811/ - Middle East Market, Goldsboro NC The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Unlock the Power of Courage with Hecate!!

Cuppa & Cards - CoaMW - Episode 10 - Courage & Single Card Pull - Sept 6, 2024 In this episode we will have a lovey cuppa Thai Tea, pull a card from the River Witch Oracle and discuss the formation of the Five Virtues of Hecate and delve into Courage. Our card today is the Long Leaf Pine Card, key words Endurance, Legacy and Renewal. The Five Virtues are a code of ethics that we as members of the Covenant of Hekate choose to live by. You can find more information on that here. https://www.hekatecovenant.com/the-aims-virtues-of-coh You can learn more on the five virtues with my online program - Cultivating the Five Virtues of Hecate in the Modern World on my website - https://www.confessionsofamodernwitch.com/programs Note: I am neurodivergent. I use keywords and notes and get easily distracted. I do not edit my videos to remove this. I think it's important that we accept people for how they are and allow those who may need additional support to have their voices be heard. ------------- Welcome to part two of my five-part series on the Five Virtues of Hecate! I’m Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson, Torchbearer, Keybearer, and Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo. In this episode, we dive deep into the virtue of Courage and explore how it relates to the goddess Hecate and our modern lives. 💪 What is Courage? Courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the ability to act in the face of it. In this episode, I share insights on how courage manifests in our spiritual practice and personal growth. We’ll discuss: Facing adversity with strength. Standing up for what’s right. Taking risks for the greater good. I’ll also reflect on my own journey, including how embracing courage in unconventional ways shaped my path as a holistic wellness practitioner. 🧙‍♀️ Hecate and Courage: Throughout history, Hecate has been a symbol of immense courage. From guiding souls through the underworld to standing alongside the Olympians in the Gigantomachy, Hecate has shown us the power of courage in the face of adversity. We’ll explore: Hecate’s role as a guide through darkness and the afterlife. Her battle against the giants in mythological stories. Her role as a liminal goddess, helping us make courageous choices at the crossroads of life. 🌿 Bringing Courage into Our Lives: I’ll offer practical examples of how we can embody courage in our modern lives—whether it’s through personal growth, advocating for social justice, or confronting our own fears. We all face challenges, and Hecate’s virtue of courage can empower us to navigate them with strength and resolve. ✨ Interactive Question: How do you see Hecate embodying courage in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let’s inspire each other to be courageous in our journeys. 🔥 Subscribe for More: If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe for the next installment in this series on the Five Virtues of Hecate. Like, share, and comment below to join the conversation! Next episode is Sept 13th and will be on Temperance. Have a Glorious Day! Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson hecatebrimo.org neuseriverwitch.com

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Hurricane - September 5, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull.
Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Hurricane - September 5, 2024 Topics - Chaos, Destruction, Rebirth Hurricane Matthew, Phoenix, Health and Wellness Dr. Michael Greger & Nutritionfacts.org The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positiviti-Tea - Deer - The River Witch Oracle

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Deer - September 4, 2024 Topics - Gentleness, Sensitivity, Devotion Joyous living, live for today, Happiness The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Magnolia - September 3, 2024

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Magnolia - September 3, 2024 Topics - Beauty, Resilience, Hospitality Kindness The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Water Moccasin - September 2,...

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Water Moccasin - September 2, 2024 Topics - Courage, Resolve and Strike AI, Facebook, Joy, Vlog Reminder - The Five Virtues The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1

Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Carolina Gold Rice - Septembe...

Join the Neuse River Witch for Positivi-Tea - a cuppa tea and a single card pull. Positivi-Tea: Insights for a Magical Day - Carolina Gold Rice - September 1, 2024 Topics - Prosperity, Change, Heritage Family of Choice, Fall, Vlog Reminder - The Five Virtues Carolina Gold rice, brought from Africa in the early 1700s, became the nation's preferred rice during the 19th century, with South Carolina producing around 160 million pounds annually by 1850. As the rice industry grew, so did the demand for enslaved Africans, particularly those skilled in rice cultivation from the Rice Coast. Consequently, more enslaved Africans from this region were brought into Charleston and Savannah than from any other African area. However, by the time of the Great Depression, Carolina Gold had disappeared from the landscape. The Single Card Pull is a way to get started with your day. Take a deep breath and focus on the card. Listen to its references. See how those references fit into your world. What message can you take from this card and bring into your day? Pull that energy in and try to make this day the best it can be. Blessings, Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo aka - Neuse River Witch This is deck, River Witch Oracle, is a look at the magic and symbolism of the rural southern United States. It pays homage and honors the life, blood and tears of those people whose sweat built this nation. It honors the indigenous people of the lands on which the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, the Catabwa and Lumbee Tribes as well as the unspeakable injustice, suffering and pain of African people, who were taken from their homes and enslaved to build this country. It looks to bring together and appreciate these cultures while looking directly in the face of these injustices with humility and reverence. #confessionofamodernwitch​ #neuseriverwitch​ #pagan​ #magic​ #witchcraft https://www.tiktok.com/@neuseriverwitch https://www.instagram.com/neuseriverwitch/ https://www.facebook.com/neuseriverwitch https://www.youtube.com/@NeuseRiverWitch?sub_confirmation=1