Disappointed and Annoyed

Today I found several things extremely disturbing. I found out the following:

1. Tom's of Maine is owned by Colgate (Link)
2. Burt's Bees is owned by Clorox (Link)
3. Sometimes Christian's aren't very Christian like (Link & Note, click "wall and read")

That last one might not come as a surprise to many of my followers as many of you are from the Pagan Community. But to me, I was indeed a bit surprised to find out that our very own Mrs. B (Kris Bradley) and other "Pagans" have been directly attacked by blogger Darlene Schacht. She writes a hate filled post about how all pagans are evil sinners.

I shouldn't be but I am amazed at how much ignorance and hate is still out there in our world. I'm asking all of you reading this if you could go over to the Circle of Moms's and vote for our Pagan Mom's and move them up in the ranking.

Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom
The Pagan Mom Blog
Witchy Mama
Witch Mom: Parenting by the Light of the Moon
The Teflon Cauldron
One Witch’s Wonderland
Earth Mother Musings
Tales of a Kitchen Witch
Pagan Presence: Stay Current with the Witching World
Aoibheal's Lair
The Spiritual Mother
Living a Faerie Tale

If you're able to vote that'd be wonderful. If you can't, light a candle and send positives energies.

Blessed Be


1 comment

KrisMrsBBradley said...

I almost cried when Clorox bought Burt's Bees. What a kick in the teeth!