Last Day to Vote

With all the drama and controversy I'm actually happy to see the end of the Top 25 Blogs of Faith by Moms at Circle of Moms.

Many blogs have posted about this contest and I'm sure they've probably seen record voting. Mrs. B is hanging in there at the number one slot at the time of this post with 12,363 votes. Her closest competitor is tailing her by about 400 votes. It looks as though it could be a close one.

I am very happy to see our community come together and cast votes every day. I've watched as the Pagan Mom's moved from just outside the top 25 to the majority of them being within the top 25.

That says a lot of our community. There's a lot of great information on that page and I'm extremely proud to say that I'm a follower and reader of the majority of the blogs listed there.

Keep up the great work ladies!

Namaste & Blessed Be


1 comment

Magaly Guerrero said...

I (and my Piano man) have voted every day!