At the Crossroads

Over the last few months I've been re-evaluating how I interact with people online and how much energy I allow myself to expend on different endeavors.  As well as a full time job and running a business I was also working on a couple of different blog projects and a few special events online.  I also have several vending events over the last few months and doing some fostering.

I have been totally drained of all my energy.  I've decided to cut back on a few things and expand in a few other areas.  Recently I was fostering a litter of kittens who brought a very serious disease into the house.  I’m on quarantine for a few months so I won’t be doing that for a while.

I've also decided that I cannot change the world.  I cannot help everyone and there are only two things I can control in this world.  What I say and what I do.  So I plan to try to spend more time focusing on those things.  When people say things, write things, do things, I have to accept that I cannot do anything about it.  I cannot change it.  It is not on me.  I have to accept that I cannot judge myself harshly for believing people.  I am a trusting person by nature.  I am a giving person by nature and sadly that makes me a pretty gullible person at times.   I've decided that I’d rather be gullible, than jaded so barring any directly obvious statements to the contrary I will err on the side of innocence and assume that the actions of others are not intended to be or interpreted as an attack.

I've also decided to work on my spiritual health.  I've found myself over the last few months asking questions of other regarding their spiritual practices and beliefs.  I've spoken out loud of my concern for my path and if indeed, I am on the correct one.

This past weekend I had several dreams helping me find my direction.  I've started that journey by ordering a few books.  Over the next six months to a year, I plan to start going through each of the books and reporting on them here as if they were assignments in classroom.  I’m starting with Magic in the Ancient World by Fritz Graf.

 My goal is to ultimately complete the reading requirements and apply to become a Torchbearer for the Covenant of Hekate.  If I can stay focused I plan to cover at least 2 more books in addition to Hekate Liminal Rites & Hekate Her Sacred Fires.  I have ordered Hekate Soteira & Arcana Mundi.  I also have The Temple of Hekate on e-book so I’m pretty much booked (pun intended) for a while!

I’m hoping that my followers here will find the information interesting and feel free to contribute comments to the self-discovery I hope to accomplish on this journey.  Some may see my participation in groups and discussions wane as I work toward this new goal. 

May her mysteries be revealed in your dreams.

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